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January 19th, 2025

12:14 am

NAME: Kevin Pavlos
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 9/1/1995
GRADE: Sophomore
CLASS: Upper upper. But it’s a secret. They live very modestly to not arouse suspicion to his Greek royal background.

FAMILY: Kevin is an only child. His parents are dead and he lives with his nanny he calls Ya-Ya, greek for Grandmother.
ACTIVITIES: Art, music, smoking pot, having fun, hanging out with skaters, playing guitar.

APPEARANCE: Kevin is the stereotypical hipster, new age, counterculture guy. The only thing he’s missing is the thick framed glasses. His clothes are normally grungy looking, found at upscale thrift stores. He loves looking polished with things like vests and collared shirts, but with comfortable sneakers and beat up looking jeans. He’s normally a little scruffy, and his hair is always in varying states of unkempt. Ya-Ya, his adopted caregiver, used to beg him to bathe and brush it, but he loved letting it dry in ridiculous ways or sleeking it back. When he’s in school he generally keeps it tousled, and wears edgier stuff on the weekends.

He has a very soft and casual demeanor about him, a low soft voice that is almost a whisper. A quiet laugh. A small smile that looks more like a smirk with eyes that are mischievous and fathoms deep, leaving people wondering what he’s really thinking and wondering. He’s a poet, an artist, a renegade, easy-going and laid back in an almost textbook way. His caring nature comes through his affectionate body language, always touching people, hugging, putting his arm around someone.
PLAYED BY: Jackson Rathbone, see profile for icons and pics

LIKES: Girls. Art, music, smoking pot, having fun, hanging out with skaters, playing guitar.

DISLIKES: stuck up people. popular people. people with a stick up their ass. injustice. police. his Greek heritage classes on the the first saturday of the month.

STRENGTHS: Kevin is quiet and it takes a lot for him to really come out to people. Sure he writes poetry and music and shares his thoughts about the world around him with whoever will listen, but he doesn’t really reveal a lot of himself to people. He’s good at school, but he lacks focus.

WEAKNESSES: He doesn’t like school. Not that he isn’t good at it, he just doesn’t care. He sticks with Bs and Cs even though he could be pulling As if he would just turn his assignments in and not sneak out to smoke or play music. He likes girls that are into the same things he’s into. He’s quiet and people sometimes take that as snotty.

DETAILED PERSONALITY: Kevin is drawn to people in pain. He is a very old soul, comforting and calm. The eye in the storm. When the world is caving in around his friends they come to him. He has sat up many nights with someone upset about a family member or lost love. Always there with a hug and a caring heart, a shoulder to cry on, a person to lean on. This huge heart though, that has helped so many in pain, doesn’t allow himself to feel his own pain. He keeps it bottled away, not even knowing it exists himself he’s so distant from it. His heart longs for the day he’ll meet the one, the girl that he can really love and have his love returned, but until then he’s perfectly fine giving of himself and his compassion to people in pain around him. It’s almost a comfort to him, like he has some sort of knight in shining armor complex.

Aside from this complex, always being there for people in pain, Kevin is a really laid back person. He doesn’t need much, sort of a hipster/counterculture type of person. He likes independent music, organic foods, that whole scene. He’s laid back and would prefer a good conversation with one person than hanging out with a group of people. He likes small intimate settings like coffee shops or open mic nights.

But with this in mind of what he likes, he also has interests outside of his hipsters that he doesn’t tell people about. With this refined background, his nanny insisted he learn about Greek culture and attend sort of upscale events. He learned to ballroom dance and often went to gala affairs that no one in high school or college knew about. He’d disappear for a weekend for a movie premiere or a museum opening, a charity event, whatever. And he was such a small scale celebrity he never made any sort of papers or anything. Even googling his name would take some digging to discover his background. Fine wine, travel, and exotic tastes in food are some of his passions but he does them rarely to avoid suspicion. The short description would be that he cleans up nice and can fit in a very refined situation without much trouble.

HISTORY: Kevin was born to his American mother and Greek father, a member of the Greek Royal Family. They are a few steps removed from the throne, but his cousins would have gotten the throne if the monarchy was still in power. But Kevin’s parents moved to the United States and his father, though still active with the Greek government, wasn’t really that interested in keeping up with the political side of it, he did still make appearances. In fact, when Kevin was eight his parents left for a weekend in Athens.

When it crashed, and his nanny came to tell him, he didn’t completely understand what was happening. People kept coming by the house. There were so many tears and flowers sent to him and his nanny, his now legal guardian. They dressed him in a little suit and he sat there staring at the two empty caskets that they buried to represent his lost parents.

His Greek family wants him to return, and he makes appearances at certain events on weekends or goes back to Greece for part of the summer. He’s sort of ashamed and embarrassed by his position and has never told another person. It’s a secret he keeps very well buried, along with his personal pain. He’s pretty happy with his laid back lifestyle, since it’s easy to trick his nanny Ya-Ya, but he often wishes he could find something to fill the emptiness in his heart. So he pours that pain into his music, his art, his poetry, and his pot.

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