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Nimue Smallwood

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A vs. X [13 Apr 2012|02:14pm]
1) A mutant (a technopath) shows up at the X-Mansion demanding sanctuary. When armored soldiers show up to try and retrieve him, this lends a lot of credence to his sincerity. The X-Men fight and drive off the soldiers. The mutant spins a story of horrible abuses at the hands of his captors. A telepathic scan verifies this.

2) Not long after, Alpha Flight shows up on the lawn, demanding the X-Men hand over the mutant and claiming he's an escaped prisoner and serial killer. The X-Men are disinclined to listen, especially knowing as intimately as they do about how crooked Department H and Canada and Weapon X and all that can be.

3) The Mansion's defenses activate, leading to the assumption that this is the X-Men throwing the first blow. Alpha Flight and the X-Men fight. (I'd like to keep this pretty even, if possible. One X-er for each Alpha; so unless we get a Guardian, no more than 5 X-Men.)

4) Inside, some of the other X-ers catch the mutant in the Mansion's lower depths. He turns on them, turning the Shi'ar tech of the Mansion against them. Fortunately, they manage to best him in the end.

5) They bring him out and manage to stop the fighting. A scan of his unconscious mind reveals that Alpha's story matches up and that whatever he had given the X-er's before was false. Alpha is allowed to take him.

6) Unbeknownst to Alpha, when they hand him over, the man is actually a Department H agent (or possibly Weapon X, whichever is the most evil proposition here), and the entire thing was simply a ruse to gain access to as much of the data from the X-Mansion as possible.
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[08 Mar 2012|10:39pm]


Michael MacDonald was, at one time in his life, an ordinary man, working as a bartender in a small Canadian town. But whereas most people had no reaction to Department H's plan to drug the country's drinking water with drugs designed to induce super-powers in its populace, and others, like the members of Beta Flight, did develop super-powers, Michael developed super-powers on a far grander scale. His first manifestation very nearly killed the entire population of his town, leaving only a handful of survivors.

His sanity was, needless to say, somewhat damaged by this event. He would battle with Alpha Flight and Beta Flight not long after.

Though captured shortly after, it will not take him long to come to Omega Flight's attention.

Powers: Syphon possesses the ability to absorb any form of energy, from geothermal to electrical, to mutant and to use it for flight, destructive blasts, force fields, and super-strength and durability. In the case of siphoning mutant or super-human energy, the person in question finds their own abilities being reduced, though they will slowly recover in time. Syphon constantly absorbs energy passively, but can also do so actively and at increased levels.

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[11 Sep 2011|09:05pm]

Name: Nimue Smallwood
Codename: Nereid
Birthday: February 24, 1991
Height: 5 ft 4 in
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Yellow-Green with pink stripes

Noteable Features: Nimue possesses the dark eyes and pointed ears common to Atlanteans. Her fingers and toes are connected by a thin layer of webbing. Her skin, however, is a pale yellow similar to her mother's, and her hair is a yellow-green mixed with pinkish natural stripes.  Where normal Atlantean-human hybrids have small ankle wings, Nimue has fins that function in the same manner.

Relatives: Namor McKenzie (father), Marrina Smallwood (mother, deceased), Dan Smallwood (adopted father), Elizabeth Smallwood (adopted mother), Leonard McKenzie (grandfather, deceased), Princess Fen (grandmother, deceased), Namora (cousin), Namorita Prentiss (cousin), numerous possible siblings
Base of Operations: Alpha Flight Base; Newfoundland

Countless ages ago, a Plodex ship crash landed on the Earth, eventually acting upon its primary programming to seed the world with Plodex life and releasing numerous eggs into the ocean. One of these eggs was eventually found by Thomas Smallwood, a Canadian fisherman, who brought it home to his wife. The egg imprinted upon her, hatching into a humanoid baby girl who the Smallwoods adopted as their own and named Marrina. Marrina joined Canadian's premier super-hero team, Alpha Flight, eventually learning of her true heritage while battling the villain known as the Master. Marrina would eventually leave the team to marry Prince Namor of Atlantis.

Marrina eventually became pregnant and the Plodex aspects of her genetic code took over, transforming her into a giantic sea monster that Namor and the Avengers were forced to slay, but not before it had laid countless eggs. Several of these hatched and became creatures of the deep. Several did not survive. But one became detatched from the nest before it hatched and drifted in the ocean for a long time, acquring DNA from virtually all oceanic life. Eventually, this egg was found by Dan Smallwood, grandson of Thomas, who had grown up like a brother to Marrina. The egg hatched before him and he and his wife took the child as their own.  Though they knew who her mother had to be, and who her father likely was, they chose not to pursue it, feeling that if she had come to them, it must have been for a reason.

Nimue quickly proved to be just an amphibious as her parents and she eventually decided to enter government service, as her mother had before her. Despite initial protests, her parents eventually consented to allow this. Department H was already aware of her anyway and it would have only been a matter of time before they came knocking. Nimue became a founding member of the new generation of the Alpha Flight program.

Nimue participated in several Alpha Flight missions, frequently finding herself partnered with Alex, due to similar abilities, on aquatic based missions. Once such mission saw Alpha Flight fighting alongside the Fantastic Four against the Atlantean Warlord, Draconia. During this time, Nimue and Alex rescued her father, Namor, and revealed her identity to him. She has begun to establish a relationship with him, exploring her Atlantean heritage and her status as a Princess of Atlantis. At the same time, she has begun pursuing a relationship with teammate Mason Jeffries.

Much to the chagrin of many in Atlantis, Nimue's relationship with Mason remains intact. She was forced to watch him fight several different challengers for her hand, but ultimately saw each of them defeated. Even her father has reluctantly come to accept that Mason is her "chosen consort."

Despite her unusual appearance and her rediscovered royal heritage, Marrina remains a sweet, small-town, girl-next-door kind of girl.

Powers: Nimue's entire body is designed to be amphibious; her lungs are designed to extract oxygen from water as well as air and her fingers and toes are connected by webbing. Her eyes filter slight most efficiently, enabling her to see with much less light than an ordinary human. Her tissues, muscles, and bones are designed to resist greater pressures, giving her super-human levels of durability, as well as greatly enhanced strength. On land, she can lift aproximately 40 tons under optimal conditions. Fully hydrated or in the water, she can lift approximately sixty-five tons under optimal conditions. Nimue is swifter and possesses greater stamina than a normal human or Atlantean, though her exact limits have not been measured. In open water, she is capable of swimming at speeds of at least 100 mph.

Nimue possesses small fins sprouting from her ankle-bones which, through an uncertain process, allow her to fly. Her current top speed is slightly over 75 miles per hour.  Her fingers end in sharp claws.

Due to being a human, Atlantean, and Plodex hybrid, Nimue may possess abilities that she is presently unaware of. While her basic body structure is human, she does possess several organs the exact purpose of which is unknown.  One such organ, however, is possibly for giving her the ability to generate her own sonar, which is effective both in and out of water.

Marrina possesses a particular affinity for sea-life, and can communicate with most forms of it.

Limitations: Though able to stay out of water for extended periods of time, Nimue does require eventual rehydration. After aproximately five hours out of water she will begin to feel somewhat fatigued, and become increasingly weakened following that. After eight hours, she will become extremely week and will need to be full emersed in water to recover her strength. Periods greater than twelve hours out of water would prove fatal.


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Relative Problems (draft 2) aka "Marrina is a Great, Big Sea Serpent" [30 Jun 2011|09:20pm]


Read more... )
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Beta Flight [25 Apr 2010|03:02pm]

Beta Flight

Following the overall success of the revived Alpha Flight program, Department H began looking for the next generation of super-humans.  To this end, they reactivated the Beta Flight training program, with the eventual goal of working these cadets into Alpha Flight.  Found from various walks of life, the Betas differ from the Alphans in that most of them have only come into their abilities recently and that they have just begun functioning as a group.


While the source of their abilities remains unknown to them, save that none of them are mutants, their abilities all do share a common source.  For several years now, Department H has been altering the water supplies within various regions of Canada, hoping to trigger latent mutant genes in various individuals chemically, in order to give Canada a super-human population to rival America’s.



Cut to save space )


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Dear Santa [13 Nov 2009|11:11am]
Dear Santa,

I would like to be able to meet my birth father.  Can you arrange this?
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