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Ruby Montgomery

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Three. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH [Feb. 17th, 2008|03:00 pm]
Life seems to be going on as it normally does. Normacy is somewhat overrated.
But it being a Hogsmeade weekend, I could barely contain myself.

Seeing that I have a excess of free time, would anyone like to convince me to join their club? (Or otherwise entertain me? I can assure you that I am not particularly picky.)
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Two. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18TH [Jan. 26th, 2008|01:12 pm]
[Hexed against Professors]
And when I leave my journal at the bottom of my bookbag for a little while this community of sorts explodes in a puff of teenaged angst.

I didn't bother to keep up with this all for a reason.

I think the teaching staff is bringing problems upon itself since how could students have a dance without drama, angst and eventually irrational behaviour for which they'd have to find and supervise punishment? Perhaps the teaching staff just happens to be into S&M or something.
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Two. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6TH [Jan. 13th, 2008|04:23 am]
Blah blah blah. Needless to say, I'm a bit bored and even more at a loss for words. Or, actually, I'm not surprised since people tend to be quite thick-headed.
I'm happy to say that I've finished all of the essays that I've needed to get done for the next week yesterday night. Don't I deserve a sticker now? Actually it officially makes me bored out of my noggin.
Now what to do? I feel charitable today...would anyone be up for a bit of help? Perhaps I can help some younger students completely muck up on their essays-- I even have a few extra resources that may be helpful in transfiguration.

I hope everyone would behave now [Warded to students, but against prefects, headships and other tattle-tales]... and just not get caught with one's hand in the cookie jar. Not that it takes that much to do that but people are stupid.[/Ward]
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One. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1997 [Dec. 31st, 2007|11:19 am]
Everything seems so dull, drab, grey and boring today.

I wonder if it is the rain. It probably is.
See? It's so dull that I'm complaining about the weather now!

Actually, I'm being somewhat melodramatic at the moment.
It's a perfect cat day, or more rather, a perfect 'hold a cat day'. A perfect day for a cat would be one that is sunny. However a perfect 'hold a cat day' would be the day that one would sit around with one of them in one's arms.

So a cat day it is...

Now to find Zara.
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Ruby Montgomery's love is not free... [info]riddikulus [Dec. 30th, 2007|07:38 pm]
It wont be the first - heart that you break
It wont be the last - beautiful girl
The one that you wrecked - wont take you back
If you were the last beautiful girl in the world )

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