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Hatake Kakashi ([info]scarecrow_honor) wrote,
@ 2010-05-06 11:54:00

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Current mood: curious
Current music:Avalanche - The Butthole Surfers
Entry tags:expensive, first day, one, pakkun

#1 That was... Interesting.
Okay, I knew the place was big but... You've got a whole floor dedicated to a pool? That seems a bit much unless we're using it for the films too... I do love the archives.

Then again, there's a reason I left L.A. for this place. Wasn't expecting something so extravagant though.

... I wonder if they'll let me bring Pakkun in.

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*icon response* |D
2010-05-08 01:19 am UTC (link)
He'll distract you from your work.

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XD *icon response* Beat this~
2010-05-08 05:18 am UTC (link)
... Maybe. But only 'maybe'.

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I win with cake.
2010-05-08 12:29 pm UTC (link)
When the dog is hungry, has to go outside, wants attention in the middle of your shift. 'Maybe'.

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lol~ I has camera?...
2010-05-08 05:36 pm UTC (link)
... It'd be like me taking a ten minute break every hour? I see nothing wrong with this.

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2010-05-08 11:47 pm UTC (link)
Dogs shouldn't be in a work environment unless they are directly involved with the work itself. They are pets, not necessities.

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I've got the getaway car, better be nice~
2010-05-09 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Fine fine. Just don't mention Pakkun being 'involved' with my work again...

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2010-05-09 11:53 pm UTC (link)
He'll be the next star actor.

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thankyou and goodnight~
2010-05-10 12:31 am UTC (link)
^.-- You're a funny guy. What's your name again?

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unfunf reita <3
2010-05-10 12:33 am UTC (link)
Sasori. Front Desk reception.

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XD I love Shou's expressions...
2010-05-10 12:36 am UTC (link)
Kakashi. Director. You probably knew that.

Nice to meet you.

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I feel like he lacks them... his expressions are very subtle XD
2010-05-10 12:38 am UTC (link)
I did, but thank you. *knows all*

And you. I was here when you came in, but on the phone.

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Well, you picked awesome icons then!
2010-05-10 12:42 am UTC (link)
Got it. Next time I'll be sure to stop and say hello.

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buh~ sanks |3 if you ever need reita pics, or what lemme know.. my gazecollection is infinite
2010-05-10 12:46 am UTC (link)
Bring cake.

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aww, thank you~
2010-05-10 12:52 am UTC (link)
There a cake or dessert shop somewhere nearby?

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2010-05-10 12:56 am UTC (link)
There is a cafe in the company, but since Itachi left I don't trust them. There is a dessert shop a block away from the main building.

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2010-05-10 07:42 pm UTC (link)
Got it~

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