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[29 Dec 2007|09:29pm]
out of character.
NAME: Lyddia
AGE: 19
TIMEZONE: CST (but currently and until Jan. 12 it’s PST)
EXPERIENCE: -Amos Diggory, Frank Longbottom, Myron Wagtail and Meghan McCormack for Jobberknoll on IJ (previously on GJ)
-David Bacchus/Dionysus, Lennon Wainwright/Adonis, and Noelle Lyons/Nemesis for Olympia Heights on GJ
-There’s more if you want, but currently most of my games are inactive, or on hiatus due to the big fail that is GJ and I’m not sure if everything is still intact, but I’d be happy to find more links and whatnot if you need them!

in character.
FULL NAME: Parvati Patil
AGE/BIRTHDATE: 17/April 17, 1980
HOUSE AND YEAR: Gryffindor/7th
WAND: 9 ¾ inches, Cherry, Unicorn hair, rather bendy
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

USERNAME: [Bad username: “sassymisspatil”]
PLAYED BY: Peeya Rai Chowdhary

PERSONALITY:Fiercely loyal and independent, Parvati is an atypical twin, and any psychologist would have a heyday with her. She's very smart, but prefers to do things hands on as opposed to simply reading books and taking notes. Not that she doesn't love to read, she just would rather get her hands a bit dirty.

She tends to come off as a tiny bit bossy from time to time, especially when she knows she's in charge. Really, she just likes to get things done in an orderly fashion, but it can be taken in the wrong way depending on the person it’s directed towards.

She's a hard worker, and hates it when all of her good work goes unnoticed. Sometimes she's not very subtle when she thinks she deserves to be appreciated. She certainly doesn’t mince words. Ever.

Strengths: Good with charms and some divination but definitely could not be a seer or anything, makes a very good cup of tea, has a good head for numbers, is incredibly patient when she needs to be.

Weaknesses: Can be a bit on the chatty side when she's excited or nervous, has a bit of a temper, sometimes speaks without thinking.

Likes: Chocolate, gossip, music, fashion, romance, going to Quidditch games (if only for the atmosphere), getting dressed up, fancy dress parties, people watching.

Dislikes: Snobs, being underappreciated, beef, macho guys who treat her like she's a breakable china doll.

HISTORY:When you're born at the end of one war, and graduate school in the middle of another, there never seems to be a moments rest. Parvati (and her twin sister Padma) enjoyed a rather cushy childhood, steeped in glorious tales of that Potter boy and how he stopped He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. After hearing the story so many times and in so many different incarnations, she wasn't sure what to believe anymore, and therefore decided not to believe any of it. Except the bare bones, and that was that. She went about her childhood quite happily aside from that, spending most of her time with her sister other wizarding children playing games and enjoying the freedom of not having to worry about crazy murderous dark wizards coming to kill anyone who opposed him. Nope. It was a pretty pleasant time.

School came as a bit of a shock for both Parvati and Padma, as they were sorted into separate houses. Although she was a bit wary at her placement at first, Parvati came to adore her house. Separated from her twin for the first time in her life, she became much more independent, made her own friends, and her own decisions. It was actually rather freeing. Besides, a little house competition never hurt anyone.

When the DA was organized in her fifth year, Parvati joined it, and eventually helped fight in the battle to end the war. She sustained mild injuries and got a few scars (which she's extremely fond of showing of if you ask...), but she never really considered a career in Magical Law Enforcement or anything like that. She never thought she'd be the type to sit behind a desk either. No, she was far too creative for that. Instead, she’d decided a few years back that she'd like to make a name for herself in the realm of Wizarding fashion. Once that decision was made it was basically impossible to shake the idea from her head, and ever since taking her OWL’s she’s been doodling and sketching designs when she’s supposed to be taking notes, but she’s not particularly vexed about taking NEWTs. She figures if she passed her OWLs with no problems, she should have no troubles with these either… Hopefully.

FIRST PERSON SAMPLE: Alright, so is it just me, or has school suddenly become exceedingly boring? I mean, usually in December I'm pretty content to just stay inside and sit at a desk and take notes and read textbooks until my eyes bleed, but this year? This year it's just... Not all that satisfying. I mean, even drawing is starting to bore me. It's really, really bad.

Lavender, I think it's about time we do something fabulous before my brain explodes, please! I don't care what it is as long as it doesn't involve murder.

Oh. And before I forget. Padma, dear, did you borrow my favorite sweater? I swear I lent it to someone and I can't find it anywhere. No one here seems to have it, so it's got to be you... Hopefully. I don't know where else it could have gotten to, but in this place, it's really hard to say.
THIRD PERSON SAMPLE: Sample from Jobberknoll as Amos Diggory
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