sarah f. stebbins
12 January 1991 @ 11:07 pm
The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive Everybody's out on the run tonight but there's no place left to hide Together Wendy we can live with the sadness I'll love you with all the madness in my soul
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sarah f. stebbins
14 August 1983 @ 11:11 pm
I'm going to recommend not following little children into playground tunnels when you're due to deliver a baby within the upcoming weeks. Not a good time!
sarah f. stebbins
27 December 1982 @ 11:28 pm
Brier. I think we had a little too much fun on your birthday.
sarah f. stebbins
07 December 1982 @ 06:49 pm
It's soooommmmeone's birthday tomorrow! I wonder what kind of dinner and cake they would like?
sarah f. stebbins
26 October 1982 @ 10:07 pm
Why hasn't it snowwwwwwwed? I want to take Rory sledding!

There aren't many good hills around here, though. Why aren't there any hills?

How can you go sledding without any hills?


Brier I think we need to find a flat near a hill.