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Sam Fury

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Meme [May. 5th, 2011|11:57 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]veryperceptive
2011-05-06 06:13 am (UTC)


Cracktacular: Zoe/GK children.
[User Picture]From: [info]zoe_torres
2011-05-08 10:02 pm (UTC)


Zoe and GK have three daughters: Coco, Sophie and Rose. All have Mom's dark hair and eyes, and Dad's sense of color (still in development).

Dad does their hair every morning before school and checks their outfits. He encourages their growing fashion sense and doesn't cringe at all with some of their choices.

Mom is restrained but frowning during parent teacher conferences. Dad uses that to his advantage. "If we can resolve this now and not bother their mother while she's working..."

Uncle Jed is very happy they don't live in a basement.

There is never a shortage of babysitters between the grandmothers and Uncle Jed.
[User Picture]From: [info]veryperceptive
2011-05-08 10:03 pm (UTC)


Hee! Cute!