Sam Fury - Meme [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Sam Fury

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Meme [May. 5th, 2011|11:57 pm]
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[User Picture]From: [info]mishaloganovich
2011-05-06 05:31 am (UTC)


Unplanned, Misha and Molly have a little girl that they named Jessie.

Three year old Jessie looks like Mommy and has Mommy's super strength. She had Daddy's smile, which charms Grandma Tash into making blinis on Sunday visits, and a bit of the devil in her that both sides say come from the other one.

Jessie's room is considering a demolition zone.

Her favorite game is Run Fast at Grandpa Logan! Watch out Grandpa! See Grandpa FLY! Hear Grandpa say bad words when he hits the tree!

How lucky it is that Daddy and Grandpa are fast healers because Jessie is about to get a baby sister!