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Sam Fury

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[May. 8th, 2011|10:55 pm]

Misha receives an invitation to use a box at the Air Canada Centre for a Mapleleaf game in Toronto. For some weird reason, half Canadian seems to count when it's time to rev up the media.

He thinks it would be a nice gesture to invite the young Alpha Fighter he met at Mikhail's wedding to join him. Strengthen team bonds as well, since you never know when you'll need to team up.

Mason reminds him a lot of David. He extends an invitation for Mason to visit Xavier's and meet the crowd.

Darlene informs Mason that he talks too much. Misha lets him know that means she'll take his phone calls.

More invitations to movie marathon days will be sent to Mason and any Alpha Flighters who want to get to know the Xavier's crowd.
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