... |
[Feb. 11th, 2009|05:20 pm] |
50 icons. |
userpic update |
[Jun. 16th, 2008|01:42 pm] |
[ | Present Mood |
| | okay | ] |
[ | Present Music |
| | Evanescence | ] | scribbld now allows 20 icons. |
sm moods! |
[Jan. 14th, 2008|08:37 am] |
[ | Present Mood |
| | busy | ] | omg, i don't see why so many ppl at gj were raving about this site like twas the next greatest after greatestjournal. this one only offers 5 icons! that's no better than gj! plus this site lags way too much! and no new s1 OR s2 styles?! oh well, i'm grateful that i got a code for this anyway. one day i shall type up my novels and put them here for my friends to read. man, i missed being an early adopter by 1 day! :gonk: |