Sakura Haruno
01 September 2009 @ 04:26 pm
~10~ a few mistakes on the way, i think i'll make me some more  
It's hard to believe it's only been a week. I also cannot believe that someone actually beat Toad's new game so quickly. Am I in some bizarro world where everyone is some kind of super genius but me?? It's frustrating! And I got really behind on it after my really hectic week last week... so I just finished it, but I wasn't really motivated. Luckily, Toad, you make really fun games so it kept me playing -- and, okay, since you can see it anyway, I did use one token. One. Did anyone else actually have trouble with the game except for [info]boned?

My co-workers are driving me insane. I'm putting in for a shift change to get the last few days of my EMT training out of the way, but everyone's treating me like I'm made of glass and it's pissing me off. 

[info]boned, [info]judomistress, are you guys free this weekend? Movie night? I'm not taking no for an answer.