Sakura Haruno
13 September 2009 @ 05:05 pm
~11~ a kiss with a fist is better than none  
I'm trying to be very mature about this and see it in a positive light. Clearly someone cares enough about me to put himself out and spend his free time making sure that I'm safe, which I should be grateful for. He's probably capable in some way I'm not really sure about, and I should be feeling safe and protected. Still... considering that apparently some people don't understand friendship, I really am lucky to have him.

Just, you know, could you possibly not follow me into the bathroom, [info]boned?! I mean seriously! There's no excuse for it. You're on thin ice. Extremely thin. And beneath that thin ice is more than just cold water, just assume that it's much more uncomfortable and hellish than that. Use your imagination -- actually, don't. Also, you still owe me for all the chocolates that [info]judomistress ate.

Toad, are you around? I need to talk to a gentleman.