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I have to dump this somewhere ~_~ [10 Oct 2010|10:55pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

swords400 is available (5:34:02 PM)
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:34:02 PM): hey
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:34:04 PM): area you busy?
Swords400 (5:34:28 PM): sort of. Doing client edits for tomorrow
Auto-response: DarkPhoenixSaiou is away (5:34:28 PM)
Fuck it, let's roll!  
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:34:31 PM): I just need someone to rant to *sighs*
Swords400 (5:34:35 PM): go ahead, mang
Swords400 (5:34:39 PM): what's up?
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:34:54 PM): Just in a general state of being pissed off at people
Swords400 (5:34:58 PM): :-\
Swords400 (5:35:58 PM): anything in particular getting you down?
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:09 PM): my friend was asking me for money that I owe her and I won't give it to her so I know she's pissed off at me because she needed it because something happened to her dog and I'm all like SO DONE being second to anyone and I needed it first for stuff I had to pay (and since it's my money, I'm first). Not to mention I won't give it to her regardless of the reason because of the fact she'd regret it when her fiance comes to visit - she'll have like NO MONEY.
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:13 PM): and it's not my fucking fault
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:26 PM): if she has no money to be able to take care of her animals, then she shouldn't have them
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:38 PM): not my fault her family is fucking dirt poor
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:55 PM): and I sure as hell am NOT paying 40 bucks for that comission  if she wants it before her fiance visits
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:37:59 PM): and yeah
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:38:08 PM): that's just for starts but I can deal with the rest
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:38:14 PM): thank you *bows*
Swords400 (5:38:38 PM): haha ok
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:38:48 PM): so yeah
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:38:54 PM): apparently something happened to her dog and she needs money
Swords400 (5:38:56 PM): was there an agreement on when you'd repay the loan?
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:39:00 PM): nope
Swords400 (5:39:03 PM): mmkay
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:39:13 PM): comission is only worth 15
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:39:30 PM): and the only way I"ll pay 40 for it is when the person comes here
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:39:38 PM): otherwise twenty is all she's getting -_-
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:40:09 PM): but yeah
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:40:22 PM): I'm just so beyond the point of caring
Swords400 (5:40:26 PM): 20-40 bucks is causing a fight?
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:40:32 PM): I've been so used in this friendship
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:40:33 PM): no
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:40:42 PM): it's that she wants it 'right now' and I can't/won't give it to her
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:41:09 PM): and technically, it's not her money anyway
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:41:16 PM): it belongs to her fiance
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:41:22 PM): ~_~
Swords400 (5:41:26 PM): hmm
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:41:41 PM): I'm not saying I won't pay
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:41:51 PM): I'm just saying my hours just fucking cut in half
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:42:00 PM): and my bills come first
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:42:36 PM): if she needs money, it's not my problem (and you would have to know my friend and her family to understand part of why I'm refusing to pay atm)
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:43:13 PM): she fucking goes and buys a laptop which she DOESN'T FUCKING NEED when she needs a washer and dryer
Swords400 (5:43:18 PM): if she's so in need of money that 20 bucks makes a drastic difference, then sounds like she has more issues right now than you owing her this
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:43:31 PM): oh you have no idea *sighs*
Swords400 (5:43:33 PM): I can't say I blame you
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:45:31 PM): let's just say she and her family of about 13 people living in one duplex (that her parents own) only about 'maybe' 2 people have jobs that live there, and they don't even have their shit together let alone having way too many fucking animals than they can even afford to take care of *sighs*
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:45:45 PM): I mean, I wasn't looking for anyone to sympathize with me or anything but god
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:45:48 PM): enough is enough
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:46:10 PM): I've been so tempted to j ust fucking break ties on the sole point that 'everything is always about everyone else' and I'm just so fucking done with it
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:48:31 PM): and to top it off, she doesn't fucking call, email me or anything and yet I'll drop by once in awhile and then they get irritated with me when I don't want to do anything when 1) I'm not a people person 2) I fucking WORK and because of the stress that causes me, I don't want to be around anyway
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:48:34 PM): ANYWAY
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:48:37 PM): thanks for listening <3
Swords400 (5:48:44 PM): no problemo
DarkPhoenixSaiou (5:52:11 PM): *tempted to curl up with her ToS dvds* hmm *hugs and does just that* <3
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[ viewing | October 10th, 2010 ]
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