もういちど: しけん、しゅくだい




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It's been a while sine I've written on this account. Mainly because I've been too busy doing everything else that I haven't paid attention to this account or online journals altogether. No offense, I love writing... just that I usually have to be in the mood at the right place/time to post nowadays.

So to pick up from where this account was left off (apparently April 2012). We end up getting the townhouse of my choice (the one mentioned in the last post that we were going to the open house for) and I'm very glad that my husband end up liking this one more than the one that was pulled off the market. Overall better neighbourhood and closer to amenities. I also like the fact that it has more avenues to travel... whereas the other place only had one exit to town, the current home is nestled between two main roads.

Surprising to think that we have lived in our new home for about 11 months now. It still feels like yesterday when we acquired the place but I really haven't looked back since. This home is milestones better than the previous apartments where we lived, and I like the sense that we have much more flexibility and freedom while still having the strata to look after basic maintenance. I would say money well spent.

Looking back to this account, I still like the layout of this very much. Honestly, I like all the layouts to my online journals more than my personal website. Yes, I could change it but... what's the point. I'm not really into web design as much as I used to, and it's getting to the point where I think journal designs define aspects of me better than what I can personally code. The website reflects the true me outside of the internet: simple, obscure, maybe not entirely quiet but otherwise fairly private.

Journals pull out different traits of me, whether it's my happy journal, the angry venting journal, the home improvement journal... the list goes on. All I know is that they all point back to my fairly boring website which is my hub. If I were to be retired, yes... of course I'll go back to designing anime pages like I aspired to do so when I was in my late teens/young adulthood. For now, I really don't have the time and energy to do so... and if I have the inkling for both, it's usually spent trying to improve my home and garden or be with my family; basically improving my life outside of the world wide web rather than in it.

Besides, websites will be around when I expire from this world... not so much with leaving impressions with my beloved husband and my two cherubs known as my daughters.
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