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Ryan Spector ([info]ryanspector) wrote,
@ 2010-10-27 17:52:00

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Entry tags:meme

Pick Two
For this meme, choose one character of yours and one character of mine-- and then I will write out how they hook up, settle into a long term relationship and/or marriage, and describe their firstborn child/children, if any. Crack pairings and old characters are acceptable.

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2010-10-28 01:01 am UTC (link)
“Come on Ellie you never let me have any fun,” Rufus said pouting a little bit.

“No Rufus you’re not doing anything while I’m supposed to be watching you,” Ellie said making her serious face.

“Just one water balloon, please,” Rufus begged, “It’ll just be water too. Nothing else I promise.”

“For the last time no,” Ellie said, “Is there anything else I could possibly get you to do that would make you stop asking.”

Rufus thought for a moment before a mischievous grin appeared on his face. “Well there is one thing you could,” Rufus said, “You could go on a date with me.”

Rufus wasn’t being serious about that at all and wanted to come up with something he thought she would never agree to and if she did say yes to just shut him up he was going to see how long it took her to admit that’s why she agreed.

“No,” Ellie said, “I’m dating Daniel.”

“Then I’m not going to stop asking if I can do the fun stuff I want to do,” Rufus said defiantly.

“Fine,” She said, “But you’re paying for it.”

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2010-10-28 01:20 am UTC (link)
It was a complete surprise to everyone when Ellie and Rufus started dating, no one saw it coming and a lot of people thought it was just a big joke from him but they kept dating.

They liked going to the movies, playing laser tag, mini-golf, and other things like that. Rufus of course kept trying to talk Ellie into doing pranks not that he ever could convince her to do them.

They really were a sweet adorable little couple and despite peoples misgivings at first people could help but like them even Scott gave a big smile watching them.

“Ellie I had a great,” Rufus said after getting back from their latest date.

“Me too,” Ellie said giving him a kiss on the check.

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2010-10-28 01:28 am UTC (link)
Peter Drake was born with light brown hair and light blue eyes and was all his parents could ask for in a child though Ellie and the others could have done without his sense of humor. When Peter grows up he wants to be on the X-men because they are the coolest superhero team there is.

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