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Rose Wilson/Ravager

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App [14 Nov 2010|06:46pm]
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Allie
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Rose Wilson
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]rosewithathorn
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'7, 135 lbs, athletic build, white hair, blue eyes.
Age: 26
Birthday: November 3rd
Codename (if using one): Ravager
PB: Currently not using one
Abilities: Rose is an expert combatant, in both martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, in addition to being an expert swordsman.

Rose also has limited precognitive visions. She is sometimes able to use her precognitive abilities to 'see' her opponent's next moves, although her visions come and go. She never knows when she is going to get a vision, and though she has worked on improving her use of this over the years, cannot turn them on on demand.
Weaknesses and flaws: Rose is a normal human woman, with standard human weaknesses. She also only has one one functioning eye, having stabbed herself in her right eye when she was a teenager and under the influence of her father's serum.
Character location/Home: Where ever her work takes her. Maintains an apartment in New York City.
Alignment (villain, hero etc): More or less a hero.
Team: Suicide Squad
Relatives (living/dead?): Slade Wilson (father, living), Lili Worth (mother, recently discovered to be alive), Grant Wilson (half-brother, deceased), Joseph Wilson (half-brother, living), Damien Wilson (half-brother, living), Robert Queen (adopted brother of sorts, living).
Rose Wilson is the result of a fling that Slade Wilson-also known as Deathstroke the Terminator had with Lilian "Sweet Lili" Worth. For the first fourteen years of her life, Rose never had any contact with her father, as Lilian believed that it would be in Rose's best interests. Rose was raised in Lilian's brothel outside of New York City. Despite the environment, Rose had a fairly happy childhood, where her mother made sure that she had contact with other children, and was taught by the best private tutors. Lilian also cut her daughter off from all forms of media, and started her training at self-defense at a very young age.

When Rose was fourteen, she first met her father, when Slade was on the lam from the law and came to stay with Lilian. It was then that her father's friend, Wintergreen first began to suspect that Slade was Rose's father. Shortly after this, Wade Defarge (Slade's half-brother), began to hunt down everyone close to his brother under the codename Ravager. Wade kidnapped Rose, and revealed to her that she was indeed Slade's daughter. Rose was saved by Wintergreen and Lilian. The reunion with her mother was short-lived, however, as Lilian died when she attempted to kill Wade with her Jeep, which careened off a cliff and exploded. Wintergreen left Rose in the care of the current roster of the Teen Titans.

In what would be her first time on the team, Rose felt sullen over her mother's death, and closed herself off her teammates. She refused both the affections of Impulse (Bart Allen) and the support offered to her by Donna Troy. She left the team, although later came back to help them save the Earth and Victor Stone (Cyborg), and even served as nanny to Roy Harper's daughter Lian for a brief time.

After she left the Teen Titans, Rose stayed in the care of Wintergreen, who treated her as if she was his own daughter and even considered adopting her. Again, the feeling of family was short lived, as Wintergreen was soon murdered by a Jericho-possessed Deathstroke. While Rose thought that her father would take her in following his friend's death, Rose was placed in the care of the Madisons, an elderly couple that welcomed her into their home with open arms.

Shortly after she'd begun to live with the Madisons, Wade DeFarge once again came into her life. Under a hit that had actually been ordered by Deathstroke, he murdered the Madisons, and kidnapped Rose just as the current Teen Titans appeared on the scene. Rose was knocked out, and woke up in an abandoned warehouse, where her father had made it seem as if he'd saved her from being killed by Wade. He offered to train Rose as charged her with her first task-killing Wade Defarge. Rose did so, without mercy and took the name of Ravager-in an attempt to form something of a relationship with her father.

Unbeknownst to Rose, Slade was injecting his daughter with the same serum that he used to give him his advanced abilities. The serum altered her mind, and caused Rose to do things that she normally would not do, including attempting to murder Raven and even stabbed her own eye to be "just like Daddy". After a showdown with Batgirl-which Rose lost, Rose was eventually eased off of her father's serum with the help of Nightwing, who placed her on the Teen Titans to keep her from her father.

Rose never really felt that she fit in with the Teen Titans. She was different than her teammates, and tended to resort to violent tendencies when in a fighting situation. While Rose felt that she none of her teammates wanted or understood her, she felt a certain closeness to Eddie Bloomberg-Kid Devil, who was going through a rough patch of his own. At one point, Amy Sue Allen (Bombshell) accused her as a traitor and attempt to frame both her and Miss Martian to selling out the Titans...when really Amy was the traitor all along and the part of a ploy set up by Deathstroke.

During her time on the Titans, Raven brought back the soul of her brother, Joseph (Jericho), into a new, psychical body. Rose and her brother bonded quickly, as Rose had never really had a true family to call her own. The two came into contact with their father once again, who set up his own team of Titans (including a serum-induced Batgirl), in an attempt to get back his children. While he was eventually defeated, Joey was forced to jump into the body of Match-an unstable Superboy clone.

Rose served with the Titans on and off through her teenage years, before leaving to do "freelance" work, mostly protecting dignitaries and whoever paid well enough from assassination attempts if needed. While not exactly what most people would call a "hero", Rose has never taken any jobs to kill someone for money, and only does it if she has too.

Currently, Rose has been recruited by Checkmate to the most recent incarnation of the Suicide Squad, with the promise of finding her mother (who Rose has believed to be alive for several years) if she works for them.

How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Already working with the Suicide Squad.
What are you planning to do with this character?: Suicide Squad plots. Possibly having to deal with her mother as the current headmistress of HIVE.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: I'd like to play out her realtionships with her brothers in addition to having her be on the Suicide Squad. As her and Robert have VERY different views on Slade, and while she's aware of her father's son with Talia al Ghul, she's really never interacted much with Damien.
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[ viewing | November 14th, 2010 ]
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