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Top Reasons Why Auctus is the Best Over the Counter Male Enhancement Supplement Available [26 Dec 2012|07:26pm]

Given the multitude of male enhancement supplements, it is not difficult to find over the counter male enhancement supplements at every store. However, this does not mean that each products delivers on its promises. Male supplements are always viewed with suspicion and rightfully so. In the recent past, there has been a downward decline in the quality of male supplements. Men have lost hope in such supplements. Thankfully at this crucial juncture, a quality male supplement such as Auctus has arrived.

What is Auctus?

This is an all-natural supplement wild crafted from organic ingredients. The ingredients are procured from the most verdant environments. Traditionally, these natural herbs and roots were used in ancient medical systems. The natural ingredients are combined scientifically. The scientific blend produces a combination of benefits and these benefits are wholesome, meaning they are holistic in nature.

Auctus is an over the counter male enhancement supplement, therefore you do not need a prescription. Anyone can use the product as it has no side effects, but men who have sexual dysfunction problems generally use it.

The benefits of Auctus

Men experience increased libido levels and their sexual desire is enhanced manyfold. They don’t have to force themselves into that feeling, rather it is naturally induced.

The body is able to produce safe levels of testosterone. Higher levels of testosterone have a series of related benefits. For one, they phase out male menopause and testosterone increases the sperm production of the body. Men are able to regain their lost muscle mass and more.

Auctus is one of the safest supplements available that increases the length of the penis naturally. No other male supplement can provide this result. The natural penis enlargement is safe and without side effects. Men have longer, stronger, and more erect penises when using this product.

Sexual stamina has always been problematic for some men. Most men would love to have sex for long, but are unable to physically. Auctus supplies men with the necessary energy to last longer in bed. Men are able to fulfill their and their partners’ sexual needs completely.

As an all-natural male supplement solution, Auctus completely transforms a person into a sexually virile and fertile individual. There is no other male sexual supplement that can achieve the same results. Auctus has been informally anointed by many people as the invention of a lifetime and quite justifiably so! To learn more and to order online, visit

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Experience 100% Natural Penis Enlargement with Auctus [26 Dec 2012|06:33pm]

A hard and long-lasting erection is now possible thanks to Auctus’ revolutionary male enhancement supplement. Achieving 100% natural penis enlargement has always been problematic for many men. No matter how much they tried, they are unable to achieve full erection. Unfortunately, there is no specific reason for this. Apart from obesity, a common reason is sexual dysfunction. Lack of sex drive is another problem. These problems deny the penis the opportunity to grow to its full size. Sexual dysfunction and lack of sex drive prevent blood flow to the penis. The veins and arteries of the penis do not dilate to full capacity when men experience sexual dysfunction.

How to achieve complete penis enlargement

Auctus’ supplement is a proven formula that can help men last longer in bed and achieve 100% natural penis enlargement. Auctus increases the blood flow to the penis during sex and when stimulated. Often a lack of sexual desire can impede optimum stimulation for penis enlargement. The body does not send enough blood to the penis. The amount of blood flow to the penis is related to the amount of sexual stimulation the body receives.

Auctus is the safest way to last longer in bed

As an all-natural male supplement, Auctus is more than a penis enlargement supplement. It completely transforms a man into a sexually virile individual. This transformation is complete and permanent. More importantly, the transformation is safe. This differentiates Auctus from convention over-the-counter medication. Such medication is counterproductive. They flood the blood stream with chemicals and the body is exposed to unwanted side effects. Eventually, the short-term benefits gained become long-term problems. Users end up undoing any and all positive side effects.

Benefits of Auctus

Eighteen key ingredients comprise this natural male enhancement supplement. This explains why Auctus is the best supplement for obtaining a larger penis. These eighteen ingredients are combined together scientifically and this scientific blend produces a combination of benefits. These benefits include the following:

• Men experience better erections.

• They have a marked increase in libido levels.

• They have higher sexual stamina.

• Testosterone production is better than before.

• Higher levels of testosterone promote growth of muscle mass, thus making men stronger.

• Better physical and mental faculties translate into improved confidence levels.

• Auctus also helps increase cognition levels. Men experience an improvement in their cognitive abilities.

For more information and to order online, please visit

For more content :-

The Top Reasons Men Prefer Auctus Male Enhancement to Other Products

The World's Best Male Enhancement Supplement is All-Natural

Beginning this Regimen of 100% Natural Ingredients May Result in a Bigger Penis

Which is the World’s Best Supplement for 100% Natural Penis Enlargement?

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The Top Reasons Men Prefer Auctus Male Enhancement to Other Products [17 Dec 2012|03:20pm]

Intelligent individuals are expected to do things differently. When it comes to enhancing one’s sex life, you can trust a wise person to get the best results. Recent statistics indicate this fact. Many men who had been experiencing sexual dysfunction problems switched over to Auctus Male Enhancement - and the rest is history.

The revolutionary formulation

Auctus is the safest and surest way for how to last longer in bed. There are very few supplements that are all-natural and effective. Many industry analysts classify Auctus as an invention. In fact, thousands of men informally call Auctus the invention of the century!

Centered on eighteen key ingredients, Auctus harnesses the power of these ancient extracts. Traditionally used in ancient medicine systems, these herbal extracts are potent ways of how to last longer in bed naturally. Centuries later, these herbal extracts are now blended scientifically, which is where the difference lies between Auctus and other so-called male enhancement products.

Auctus blends these eighteen key ingredients scientifically. This scientific proprietary blend provisions the best capabilities of these ingredients. This formula is more potent than medication. The best thing is that it is natural, therefore, you finally found a way last longer in bed using natural recourses.

Benefits associated with Auctus

Auctus delivers a bottom up approach. It provides holistic benefits rather than discrete benefits. These include the following:

• Helps grow the penis. The penis is longer, stronger, harder, and more erect. Men are able to have sex longer and more frequently.

• Improves the testosterone producing capabilities of the body. Better testosterone production improves muscle mass. The body becomes naturally stronger. This helps build sexual stamina.

• Testosterone also promotes the increase in sexual desire. An increase in libido levels allows men to last longer in bed naturally.

• Auctus improves the cognitive abilities in men. They are able to think and act clearly. They have increased efficiency at work and they feel a marked improvement in their confidence level.

Auctus deserves its title as the invention of the century. Now millions of men can breathe a sigh of relief since there is a product that promises what it delivers and delivers what it promises. The era of spurious and unproven male supplements are gone. Now with Auctus, the coming years are of better sexual health and happiness for men. Learn more at

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Redeem Your Sex Life with All-Natural Supplements to Last Longer in Bed [17 Dec 2012|02:21pm]

When it comes to increasing penis length and girth, men often go about it in the wrong way. Growing the penis is difficult to achieve with the use of conventional medication. Surgery can elongate the penis, but the procedure is not without risk. The penis may lose its rigidity forever and the individual may develop serious complications.

Is there another solution? Of course! Auctus Male Enhancement is a revolutionary formula that helps individuals grow their penises naturally. As the best male enhancement pills over the counter, these are the ideal supplements to last longer in bed.

How does Auctus grow the penis?

Penis growth is a complicated process. Many of the so-called best male enhancement pills over the counter claim to provide immediate results. While they may address only one aspect of penis enlargement, the results are typically short lived. As such, there are many supplements that promise much but deliver much less. Auctus is unlike these other supplements because it is an innovation. As an all-natural supplement, Auctus is the safest and surest way to grow the penis naturally. Its benefits include the following:

• Auctus increases the blood flow to the penis. The penis is harder, stronger and longer. Men are able to have sex for a longer period of time.

• There is a marked improvement in the testosterone producing capabilities of the body.

• Men experience stronger and more frequent sexual desire.

• Auctus increases energy levels and promotes muscle development.

• These benefits culminate into increased sexual performance.

What to look for in a product

Auctus does have competing products, as there are plenty of supplements to last longer in bed. With each passing day, more manufacturers introduce so-called effective supplements for men with sexual dysfunction. However, these are all flash-in-the-pan products. Auctus was born out of years of research and development. This product is the result of years of scientific research. Auctus combines eighteen natural ingredients that are blended using a proprietary formula. The blend brings out the potency of this solution. Other herbal products simply mix ingredients and they do not scientifically blend their ingredients for increased benefits. This is where the difference lies.

Auctus is the ultimate opportunity to redeem one’s sex life and rekindle the romance with one’s partner. To learn more, please visit Shipping and billing are discrete.



Qualities of the Best Male Enhancement Pills

Pulpit rock

Which is the World’s Best Supplement for 100% Natural Penis Enlargement?

Pulpit rock
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Which is the World’s Best Supplement for 100% Natural Penis Enlargement? [01 Dec 2012|06:34pm]
Penis enlargement has often been the bone of contention for thousands of
men. There are so many male enhancement products that promise to increase the
size of men’s penises, but none of these products deliver. However, a
path-breaking innovation has revolutionized supplements for male sexual health.
Auctus Male Enhancement is a pioneering and one-of-a-kind all-natural
supplement. This natural solution has allowed hundreds of men to experience
significant penis growth in addition to several other benefits.

How does Auctus do this?

Enlarging the penis is complicated. There are many medications that can
effectively enhance size, but these medications are full of side effects that
could harm individuals. On the other hand, Auctus brings about 100% natural
penis enlargement by increasing blood flow to the penis. The blood flow is
naturally induced, as Auctus transforms a person holistically.

The penis grows in an enabled situation. Initially men experience harder and
stronger penises during sex. They are able to maintain the erection for longer.
Slowly, this behavior elongates the penis even more and there is a noticeable
increase in the cellular growth of the penis.

What are the additional benefits induced by Auctus?

In addition to natural penis enlargement, Auctus helps men become more
virile individuals. Users experience better orgasms. These orgasms are more
intense and fulfilling. Libido levels increase. There is an increase in desire
to have sex and fueling this need are optimum levels of testosterone. The testosterone
production in the body is naturally induced.

In fact, Auctus is the only way to last longer in bed without feeling tired.
This all-natural solution helps increase sexual stamina meaning energy levels
remain high while having sex. Men are now able to have sex multiple times
during a day. No other natural supplement or medication can help men attain
this level of sexual prominence.

An increase in testosterone levels enables the body to develop muscle and
bone mass. It also contributes to an increase in cognition levels. Men feel
more confident and secure courtesy of the increased testosterone in their

What constitutes Auctus?

Auctus Male Enhancement is wild crafted using 18 natural ingredients. These
exotic herbs and extracts are combined scientifically. The scientific blend is
what differentiates this solution from the rest. In addition to achieving
natural penis enlargement, men also experience a host of related benefits. No
other natural supplement or medication can replicate this.

Auctus is one of the world’s leading male supplements.
It is currently being used by thousands of men to treat their sexual
dysfunction problems naturally. Learn more when you visit
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Why Smart Men Choose Auctus as Their Male Enhancement Product [06 Nov 2012|12:55pm]

There is no doubt that smart individuals choose a natural male enhancement solution to reform their sexual health. Natural supplements are an effective answer for how to last longer in bed safely, as they are better than medication since there aren’t any side effects typically produced by synthetic supplements. A natural supplement such as Auctus is a simple and powerful solution that attends to all aspects of male sexual health.

The following are the notable features of Auctus:

•              This supplement attends to all dimensions of male sexual health.

•              Users experience a combination of benefits that are felt within a couple of weeks.

•              This supplement empowers the body to transform on its own.  The exclusive nutrition contained within this supplement helps to jump-start the body’s internal healing processes.

•              It is a safe and reliable supplement. It is the safest way how to last longer in bed. There are absolutely no side effects. This solution has already been tried successfully by thousands of men.

•              Masterfully blended from 18 key ingredients. These ingredients are blended scientifically and the molecular combination harnesses the best abilities of all unique ingredients.

Auctus is a pioneering and path-breaking invention for male sexual health. Thousands of patients have experienced a collection on benefits, which include the following:

•              Increased sexual desire, stamina, and libido.

•              More fulfilling orgasms.

•              Improved testosterone levels in the body. Testosterone production is naturally induced.

•              A phasing out of male menopause.

•              Harder, stronger, and more rigid penises.

•              Growth of penis due to increased blood flow.

•              Better cognitive skills, greater sense of security and confidence.

•              Improved relationship with partner.

There are endless benefits to Auctus, but regardless, these benefits will help improve a man’s sexual health and his relationships with others.

There are various perceptions to male enhancement supplement products. People disbelieve the fact that an all-natural supplement can completely transform sexual health. However, this was true in the past, as all-natural supplements weren’t scientifically blended. Auctus is scientifically blended so that its potency is increased and thus, its benefits are multiplied.
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The Top Characteristics of the Best Male Enhancement Pills Over the Counter [06 Nov 2012|12:54pm]

The best supplements to last longer in bed have some vital characteristics that you must recognize in order to purchase the supplement that will most likely help you and your sexual problems. These key features will ensure the product works and that your health will improve, not deteriorate, during its use.


Male enhancement is a sensitive medical area. Improper treatment can result in dire consequences, therefore it is important to choose a natural and safe male enhancement supplement.

Though there are many natural male enhancement supplements, only a few are effective. Auctus Male Enhancement is the only all-natural male enhancement supplement that naturally provides sexual health benefits, such as improved libido and stamina. Other supplements may not provide benefits without unwanted side effects.

Holistic benefits

The best male enhancement pills over the counter supplements deliver holistic benefits as opposed to prescription medication that provides limited benefits. Only all-natural male enhancement supplements can provide holistic benefits.

Male sexual health is a combination of conditions. Treating even one aspect of male sexual health requires a combined approach. For instance, erectile dysfunction could be due to lack of blood flow to the penis, which could be caused due to low testosterone levels in the body. For this reason, it is desirable that supplements to last longer in bed attend to all dimensions of male sexual health. This provides complete transformation and the results are long-lasting.

Easy to consume

Some of the leading male enhancement medication may not be easy to consume and their presence in the blood stream may interfere with existing medication. This could result in serious side effects. A male enhancement supplement such as Auctus is the only solution that provides complete transformation of a person without interfering with ongoing medication. Additionally, these supplements are in an easy to consume pill form.

Natural ingredients

Male enhancement supplements that are made from synthetic chemicals typically produce undesirable side effects. The body is flooded with chemicals and while these chemicals may be harmless, initially repeated exposure causes them to become irritants. Subsequently, patients may feel uncomfortable side effects due to being overexposed to these chemicals.

Auctus Male Enhancement is the preferred and proven solution. Wild crafted from 18 natural ingredients, these ingredients are combined using a scientific blending technique. Patients experience immediate results that are natural and safe. The body is transformed and enabled to make that transformation on its own. To learn more about Auctus, please visit
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Top Reasons to Choose a Natural Male Enhancement Product [26 Sep 2012|07:46pm]

Auctus Male Enhancement is a 100% natural male enhancement product designed to help men effectively learn how to last longer in bed. It has a proven formula, which has been established over the years and is continuously upgraded with new research. With a wide and ever-growing customer base, this product is auguring in a new revolution in male sexual health.

There are so many unique qualities of Auctus Male Enhancement, that it is difficult to fully convey what makes it the world’s best natural male enhancement product. However, the following are some of the reasons why men have chosen to include this natural form of male enhancement in their daily regimen.

Wild crafted from natural ingredients

More than 18 key natural ingredients go into the making of this product. Even though the product is packaged as easy to consume pills, each pill has the richness of each ingredient.

The ingredients are scientifically combined. This helps men realize benefits that are naturally induced. It is also a safe way how to last longer in bed. What was used centuries ago in traditional medicine is now available in a more potent fashion by way of the Auctus supplement.

Naturally induced benefits that provide permanent results

The benefits produced by the Auctus natural male enhancement product are initiated within the body and by the body, naturally. These processes are seldom manufactured or induced through force. The body is provided the requisite necessities to produce the physiological processes that increase sexual benefits and provide some answers for how to last longer in bed.

Strong customer support and non-ambiguous payment policies

The customer support of Auctus Male Enhancement helps new and existing patients gain more information about the product and its usage. The triple money back guarantee of this product is one of a kind and stems from the fact that Auctus is confident about the product. Moreover, it is risk free. This male enhancement product does not have any side effects and customers can receive a refund if unsatisfied.

Men with sexual problems can try this supplement for 70 days. In case of non-satisfactory results, the product can be returned within this time period and the company will refund the amount spent to purchase the product. Note that this excludes the shipping and handling fees.

It is clear that Auctus is one of the safest ways for how to last longer in bed. Thousands of men experience the benefits of improved sexual vitality, virility, libido, drive, stamina, and confidence. Auctus has changed the lives of these men forever. Learn more at

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Revolutionary Male Enhancement Pills [26 Sep 2012|07:33pm]

For the first time ever, a revolutionary solution is changing the lives of thousands of men. Auctus is touted as one of the best male enhancement solutions that has ever hit the market. This solution provides whole body treatment meaning that many sexual problems are resolved with a single supplement. This is unlike other male enhancements that target only one specific problem at a time.

By providing wholesome benefits, men experience holistic benefits. Their psychological and physiological imbalances are attended to and this results in a progressive increase of sexual health. The best part is that it is all-natural so there is no need to worry about side effects.

How to achieve results with Auctus

Regular use of male enhancement pills should be combined with other confidence-building activities. Auctus, being one of the best male enhancement supplements, can completely transform a person, but it is also advisable to talk to one’s partner about sexual problems. There is no need to keep these problems in the closet and silently suffer.

In addition, it is only dedication that can provide results. To improve one’s sexual health, a combination of dedication and a positive attitude is required. Auctus can the increase the dedication in one’s life because it is a genuinely safe and effective supplement, thus encouraging users to take it daily.

A summary of Auctus’ benefits

• Auctus provides holistic benefits. As a best male enhancement supplement, it treats all sexual problems in a one-shot approach.

• It helps men achieve harder erections. Men feel a pronounced structure and rigidity to their penises. It helps them last longer in bed and more thoroughly enjoy sex.

• Men experience better orgasms. They are able to time and control their orgasms. This also helps them better satisfy their partners.

• Auctus helps increase the testosterone levels in the body naturally. Higher levels of testosterone help build confidence, a sense of security, energy levels, vitality and sexual prowess. Men who are experiencing male menopause will do well from an increase in hormones in their bodies.

• Safety is not always a factor in male enhancement pills. However, Auctus is also a very safe supplement. It has no side-effects because it is an all-natural supplement wild crafted from 18 ingredients.

There is no doubt that Auctus is a revolutionary invention. Now, men with sexual problems can breathe a sigh of relief and finally enjoy a solution that actually works. Visit for more information.

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Experience Better Orgasms with All Natural Penis Pills [26 Sep 2012|06:49pm]

There is a multitude of methods for how to last longer in bed, which helps men more thoroughly enjoy sex instead of waiting for an orgasm. Orgasms are not the ultimate motive of sex so this product helps men enjoy the process of sex. In addition to lasting longer, there are also ways to achieve more intense orgasms.

Getting into the right frame of mind

Relying on penis pills to have a satisfying sex life is only half the story. It helps to have a positive frame of mind as negativity kills sex in the mind. Being positive promotes and encourages healthy sexual thoughts and actions.

It also helps if you receive the proper nutrition and a healthy diet. The right diet can increase your desire for sex and enable you to perform better in bed. If you are malnourished, you would not be able to develop the sexual stamina to fully realize your sexual potential. The better you eat, the better you perform in bed.

Increasing your desire and stamina

Though pills such as Auctus Male Enhancement help increase sexual desire and stamina, regular exercise can also increases its potency. Regular physical activity helps individuals relax and it also helps promote testosterone production in the body. Exercise releases endorphins, which are happy hormones that elevate moods. Regular exercise increases sexual desire and is a natural way for how to last longer in bed.

Benefits of natural supplements

Out of all the available pills in the market, Auctus does more than teach men how to last longer in bed; in fact, it attends to multiple aspects of male sexual health, such as:

• Better performance in bed.

• Enhanced erections that stay harder longer.

• Penis enlargement and growth.

• Fulfilling orgasms that are more intense and naturally induced.

• Complete cure of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and other such related sexual dysfunctions.

• Increased sexual stamina, vigor, intensity, and desire.

• Better stamina to complete sexual acts for longer periods without premature or abrupt stopping.

• Increased levels of testosterone levels in the body.

• Helps in developing positive thoughts in the mind and increase efficiency in everyday activities.

A 100% natural supplement can completely transform the body. It is one of those revolutionary penis pills that help build one’s sexual prowess naturally. Being an all-natural supplement, it is the safest way to last longer in bed. Learn more at

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Auctus Male Enhancement is the Most Comprehensive and Effective Solution Available [21 Sep 2012|03:29pm]

Auctus is an all-natural solution that can put an end to your sexual woes forever. Packaged in the form of male enhancement pills, Auctus is one of the world’s best male products available.

Wild-crafted from of the most exotic and rare natural ingredients, this product scientifically combines these ingredients for an effective, long lasting formula. The product is made by harnessing the age-old wisdom of these exotic herbs and implementing modern technological interventions to increase the effectiveness of said ingredients.

Auctus is unlike other penis pills or enhancement products as it is a revolutionary product. In fact, it can be classified as a breakthrough invention that has changed the lives of millions of men and you could be the next person it has helped.

Key advantages of natural male enhancement

Auctus Male Enhancement is available as easy to consume male enhancement pills. Being an all-natural supplement, it does not interact with or interrupt any ongoing medication. There are no specific dietary requirements as well.

Users experience a natural increase in libido and sexual stamina. Attaining this naturally is the hardest thing to do if you are having sexual dysfunction problems or are in the male menopause stage. In addition, your penis grows longer and stronger. Your erections are harder and you are more able to satisfy your partner. You last longer in bed and enjoy sex as a recreational activity more than a compulsion to keep your relationship alive.

Thousands of men have experienced an increase in happiness in their relationships with their partners. Auctus has increased their desire for sex and inadvertently their desire to be intimate with their partners. It has been researched and understood that sexual intimacy can often save a failing relationship.

Ingredients of Auctus

Some of the key ingredients of Auctus include Tribulus Terrestris, L-Arginine, Lepidium Meyenii and Tongkat Ali. Many benefits are further detailed below.

Tribulus Terrestris: This is an exotic herb used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine. It helps promote fertility and resolve problems of erectile dysfunction to name a few.

L-Arginine: This ingredient improves sexual performance, stamina, and increases energy levels, as well as testosterone production in the body.

Lepidium Meyenii: This increases androgenic activity in men while preventing sexual dysfunction.

Tongkat Ali: This is a medicinal plant that increases sexual desire naturally.

The Auctus male enhancement pill is made from natural herbs that have been used in traditional medicine centuries ago. Now, these very ingredients are scientifically combined for an end result that is a safe and effective all natural solution. Learn more when you visit

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A Breakthrough Invention Betters Your Sex Life and Allows Men to Last Longer in Bed [21 Sep 2012|03:13pm]

Auctus Male Enhancement is the breakthrough invention that resolves sexual problems in men naturally. Formulated with 18 organic key ingredients, this natural male enhancement product is the perfect antidote to solve how to last longer in bed. The reasons why Auctus is the best male enhancement pill in the market is further discussed below.

Auctus is all-natural

Auctus’ natural male enhancement pill is a completely natural solution wild crafted from 18 natural ingredients. Some of these ingredients are not found in large amounts in the formula, but they are combined in such a way to be effective with others. They are procured from the most verdant growing areas and processed using a scientific combination technique. The very basis of Auctus Male Enhancement is to provide a natural solution that provides long lasting results.

Long lasting and permanent results

Still wondering how to last longer in bed naturally? You don’t want a “manufactured” libido since you would rather have it naturally produced in your body. This is exactly what Auctus does for you. Your libido levels, erections, and sexual stamina are naturally raised. This not only helps you enjoy sexual activities more, but also helps you feel more confident about your newfound sexual liberation.

Auctus targets multiple issues at once

Auctus not only helps men last longer in bed, it also attends to other sexual problems. It delivers a wholesome solution that helps resolve all problems. This is unlike other male enhancement products or synthetic products that target only a specific problem. For instance, if you have erectile dysfunction, Auctus improves your erections. Additionally, you experience a stronger libido, more stamina, and fulfilling orgasms.

Now what if Auctus is attending to a problem that you don’t have? This is not a problem because Auctus is all-natural so there are no side effects! Even a person who is not experiencing any sexual problems could use Auctus and enjoy only the benefits, not any side effects. However, we recommend that Auctus is only used for people with sexual problems!

Auctus is one of the best products in the market for natural male enhancement solutions. It is owned by the Lehmann Research Group, which ensures customers will be satisfied with their products or receive their money back before the 70 day guarantee is up. Visit to learn more about this product and begin your path to a more satisfying sex life today!

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What Makes a Leading All-Natural Penis Enlargement Pill [31 Aug 2012|04:21pm]

There are many high expectations for male enhancement supplement products, but none of these products can really give men what they want. They either deliver on one promise or none at all. For instance, a penis enlargement product promises to increase the size of the penis. Even though it helps increase the blood flow to the penis during sex and helps it stay harder, the results are not long-lasting. More importantly, they are artificially induced. This is all the more reason to be concerned with its possible long-term side effects. So, what are the expectations from a supplement?


This goes without saying. There is probably no safe product in the market for this purpose, except for those made from all-natural ingredients, like Auctus Male Enhancement. This is a 100% naturally crafted product made from 18 key ingredients. Grown in the most fertile of environments, these ingredients are not simply mixed together. They are scientifically combined to produce the desired effects.

All around benefits

Auctus Male Enhancement heals a person as a whole. This implies that a person who has erectile dysfunction will not only have this problem potentially resolved through adoption, but they will experience other benefits as well. This is what men look for even though they may not be able to put it into words. They want that “feeling” of being sexy, energetic, and full of vitality. As part of this all around benefits approach, men experience higher levels of libido, sexual stamina, energy levels, sperm count, and enlarged penis size.

Customer service

The Auctus Male Enhancement supplement is manufactured by the trusted Lehmann Research Group. In case customers have any queries, they can directly address it to Auctus Male Enhancement’s customer service team by emailing them, calling their support line, or live chat on their website.

Proprietary blend

It is a known fact that Auctus Male Enhancement supplement blends 18 ingredients in a scientific way. This is a proprietary blend and it’s ingredient proportions have been carefully determined to produce optimal results. Additionally, Auctus is tested extensively for its safety, reliability, and efficacy. Supporting this are thousands of positive testimonials from satisfied men.

The adage that if something is too good to be true is wrong in the case of Auctus Male Enhancement. This product is, in fact, the elixir of sexual liberation for millions of men. Visit their website at It is loaded with information on everything that could enhance the quality of sexuality for every male.

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What Classifies As a Comprehensive Male Enhancement Supplement [31 Aug 2012|04:13pm]

There are many high expectations for male enhancement supplement products, but none of these products can really give men what they want. They either deliver on one promise or none at all. For instance, a penis enlargement product promises to increase the size of the penis. Even though it helps increase the blood flow to the penis during sex and helps it stay harder, the results are not long-lasting. More importantly, they are artificially induced. This is all the more reason to be concerned with its possible long-term side effects. So, what are the expectations from a supplement?


This goes without saying. There is probably no safe product in the market for this purpose, except for those made from all-natural ingredients, like Auctus Male Enhancement. This is a 100% naturally crafted product made from 18 key ingredients. Grown in the most fertile of environments, these ingredients are not simply mixed together. They are scientifically combined to produce the desired effects.

All around benefits

Auctus Male Enhancement heals a person as a whole. This implies that a person who has erectile dysfunction will not only have this problem potentially resolved through adoption, but they will experience other benefits as well. This is what men look for even though they may not be able to put it into words. They want that “feeling” of being sexy, energetic, and full of vitality. As part of this all around benefits approach, men experience higher levels of libido, sexual stamina, energy levels, sperm count, and enlarged penis size.

Customer service

The Auctus Male Enhancement supplement is manufactured by the trusted Lehmann Research Group. In case customers have any queries, they can directly address it to Auctus Male Enhancement’s customer service team by emailing them, calling their support line, or live chat on their website.

Proprietary blend

It is a known fact that Auctus Male Enhancement supplement blends 18 ingredients in a scientific way. This is a proprietary blend and it’s ingredient proportions have been carefully determined to produce optimal results. Additionally, Auctus is tested extensively for its safety, reliability, and efficacy. Supporting this are thousands of positive testimonials from satisfied men.

The adage that if something is too good to be true is wrong in the case of Auctus Male Enhancement. This product is, in fact, the elixir of sexual liberation for millions of men. Visit their website at It is loaded with information on everything that could enhance the quality of sexuality for every male.

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What Classifies As a Comprehensive Male Enhancement Supplement [31 Aug 2012|03:35pm]

When should an individual take a male enhancement supplement? Perhaps this makes sense, when a male enhancement product might resolve sexual dysfunction problems. Men who experience sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and infertility are ideal candidates to take such supplements.

Statistically, more men are interested in growing their penises. They are almost certain to try penis growth pills if recommended by someone. Unfortunately, there aren’t many penis pills that are safe. They only increase blood flow to the penis. This is artificially created by flooding the body with chemicals.

What men really need is a safe, all-natural product that solves all sexual dysfunction problems and also helps men experience penis growth. Though this may sound too good to be true, the reality has dawned, finally.

Auctus Male Enhancement is a proven solution to help men experience higher levels of libido, increased sexual performance, improved size of penis, and many other benefits. This male enhancement product is the harbinger of positive change for thousands of men affected with any type of sexual dysfunction problem.

Summary of the many benefits associated with Auctus

• Helps increase the size of the penis. During sex, the penis is stronger, harder, and longer. There is increased blood flow and all of this is achieved naturally. Patients do not experience side-effects and results are most often than not permanent.

• Men experience higher levels of libido. More importantly, they are able to control it and channel it productively. The naturally-induced libido spells the end of male menopause. With increased testosterone levels in the body, men can use their libido levels to increase performance levels in their personal and professional lives.

• Auctus promotes sexual stamina, which allows men to have sex longer. They are able to satisfy their partners and have fulfilling sex lives.

• No other male enhancement product helps men achieve more intense orgasms than Auctus. Not only are orgasms more fulfilling, they last longer thus allowing both partners to enjoy one another for longer amounts of time.

The ingredients of Auctus

The following are four cornerstone ingredients of Auctus.

• Tribulus terrestris: Promotes increased vitality and virility. Increases sperm production.

• L-arginine: Naturally increases orgasm.

• Lepidium meyenii: Promotes growth of cells in the penis and thereby increases the length of the penis. Remember that the proliferation of cells in the penis is safe and naturally-induced.

• Tongkat ali: Increases testosterone levels, blood flow to the penis and sexual stamina.To learn more about Auctus Male Enhancement, its parent company, and learn how you can order your own supply, please visit

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Quality of the Best Male Enhancement Pills [25 Aug 2012|07:21pm]

When looking for a male enhancement pill, there is often little to no clear information on what to search for in a good supplement. Men think that these pills only enlarge the penis and increase testosterone levels.

While this may be right in the case of some penis growth pills, it is not true in the case of Auctus Male Enhancement. Auctus combines 18 key ingredients to produce natural and long-lasting results. What should you look for in a pill? The important qualities are detailed below.


These pills have to be safe and this is probably the most important consideration of all. Only natural male penis pills are safe and Auctus Male Enhancement is the only 100% natural product. Completely crafted with natural ingredients, Auctus can be used by anyone, as it does not interfere with any ongoing medication.

Male reproductive organ enhancement

Most of these pills promise growth of the penis. They may improve only the form of the penis during sex and these pills may not necessarily increase its size. Though one’s penis is not the sole determinant of how to last longer in bed for men, most men prefer to have larger members.

Stamina and endurance

Sex is a combination of desire, strong erections, and good sexual performance. Auctus Male Enhancement is the only natural product that helps men develop more stamina and endurance during sex in a safe manner.


Nothing starts without desire. This applies for sex as well. Sexual desire can be created naturally and artificially in a person’s body. However, when created naturally libido sustains longer periods of time and does not have side effects. Thousands of men who used Auctus Male Enhancment vouched that the product helped them develop natural libido levels. This vindicates the fact that Auctus is the only product that can offer some help for how to last longer in bed for men.

What makes Auctus different

Given that Auctus is made of eighteen naturally occurring ingredients, it can be classified as a natural product. More importantly, the ingredients are scientifically combined to produce the desired results in a holistic way meaning these ingredients combine to produce not one or two, but a complete range of sexual benefits that includes how to last longer in bed for men. Using Auctus, men not only increase the length of their penis, they also experience higher levels of libido. Additionally, Auctus helps improve testosterone levels in the body and promotes higher levels of vitality and virility.

To learn more about the benefits of Auctus, please visit

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Confront Sexual Problems Head on with Penis Pills [25 Aug 2012|07:20pm]

The time has finally come to stop hiding issues from yourself or your partner. Sexual dysfunction is a problem of the body and not of the personality. Men tend to overlap sexual dominance with their personality traits and this is a dangerous thing to do. It only lowers the confidence level and removes the zeal to lead a happy life.

When the problem of sexual dysfunction persists in spite of using different penis growth pills, then the time has come for a change. However, before that, open communication about this problem liberates the built-in frustration of having this problem.

Open communication

Talking about this problem to one’s partner is the first step to feeling liberated. This ensures that a wife or girlfriend is not feeling guilty about causing sexual dissatisfaction. Open communication about these issues is quite difficult, but telling them to a trusted person is better than hiding them.

Male enhancement supplements

Auctus male supplement pills are the only 100% natural supplement that provides a range of benefits. Unlike other penis pills, this product heals a person’s sexual dysfunction problem by providing a collection of benefits.

For instance, someone affected with premature ejaculation is relieved from this condition. Additionally, this person experiences higher levels of libido, sexual stamina, stronger erections, more intense orgasms and increased levels of testosterone. This is based on the product’s philosophy that sex is a body, spirit, and mind experience, thus many factors contribute to sex.

How Auctus is different from other products

Most male enhancement pills are a combination of chemicals that flood the body and produce temporary results. However, this is not the case with Auctus. Results are long lasting, if not permanent.
Patients who have used Auctus felt better, stronger and more energetic. It is true that Auctus promotes physiological and psychological benefits. Men who have used Auctus consistently over the years excelled in their professional and personal fronts.

Interestingly, men who did not have any sexual dysfunction problems used this to experience its psychological benefits. Surprisingly, they experienced these benefits as well. A point to note is that using Auctus Male Enhancement is completely safe. There were no repercussions or negative side-effects to men who might have used this product but did not specifically need it.

Beyond the hype that accompanies these penis growth pills, none of these penis pills truly give customers what they truly want: Confidence and security in their sexual lives. Auctus Male Enhancement has bridged this gap by providing a safe and effective solution. To learn more, please visit

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Achieve an Intense Orgasm with Male Enhancement Supplements [14 Aug 2012|08:25pm]

There are proven ways to increase fun during sex. More than working towards the climax, sex should be treated as a course of events. To analogically explain this - it is not waiting to reach the top of the mountain, but rather enjoying the climb.

How can a natural male enhancement supplement intensify orgasms?

Auctus Male Enhancement is the only natural male enhancement supplement that helps men achieve intense orgasms. There are few male enhancement supplements that help men control and time their orgasms like Auctus allows.

Auctus increases testosterone levels in the body and helps men develop natural libido levels. The desire is relentless during sex and this helps men time their orgasms with their partner. The best thing is that men can have multiple orgasms and expect the same from their partners.

What constitutes a good orgasm?

• Auctus Male Enhancement helps men improve their sexual performance. A combination of factors classifies as good sexual performance. While male enhancement supplements can only promote desire and stamina, it is up to men to develop the proper context for having sex.

• Men who have used the Auctus natural male enhancement supplement for years are able to create such contexts. They have evolved as highly confident and positive-thinking men who talk, walk, and breathe self-assurance.

• While all these attributes translate into creating a sexual context, the level of sexual performance is influenced by the quality of male enhancement supplements used. This is where the dominance of Auctus Male Enhancement is unparalleled.

• With Auctus, men are able to perform exceedingly well in bed. They are able to control their ejaculation. They have harder and stronger erections. They are skilled with foreplay as well. The increased sexual desire combined with unrelenting sexual stamina translates into intense orgasms and subsequently multiple orgasms.

How to prepare one’s self psychologically to enjoy sex

Having the right frame of mind is important to have good sex. No amount of male enhancement supplements can help someone enjoy sex if that person is feeling blue. Interestingly, the Auctus supplement helps men achieve a positive frame of mind by increasing the testosterone levels in the body in a natural way. Men who have higher levels of testosterone in their body feel more confident and secure regardless of the situation. This is an amazing psychological feeling that only testosterone is able to create. Visit to learn more about this powerful supplement.

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Ways to Achieve a More Intense Orgasm with Male Enhancement Supplements [30 Jul 2012|03:07pm]

An orgasm is the ultimate motive of sex as it completes the activity. Sex without orgasm can leave both partners unfulfilled. There are ways to achieve more intense orgasms and it is important to remember that much of the process lies within your mind. The way you think, act, and feel determines the quality of your orgasms. The list below includes tips to improve orgasms:

1. Feel sexy: Even if a natural male enhancement supplement can help you feel sexy, you have to initially seed this thought in your mind. Research has indicated that people who feel sexy have increased libido levels. If you feel that you are not sexy enough, you may have lower levels of libido.

2. Exercise: Exercising and being in peak shape accentuates your appearance. It hardly matters how you look, but it matters if you are fit and in shape. You will feel more confident about yourself. You may appear even more attractive to your partner. Exercise also increases stamina. Lack of stamina can deny you a satisfying sexual experience. You could be almost reaching orgasm, but lack of stamina may deny you from experiencing it. That is why it is important to exercise and not rely completely on supplements.

3. Practicing right posture: There are certain positions during sex that accentuate the sexual experience. What works for others may not work for you. You have to find the position that suits you and your partner. Getting into varied positions and breaking the routine increases sexual desire. You don’t even need to apply a scheduled time for sex. It could be anytime and anywhere. You need to make sex unpredictable to increase your orgasm potential.

A natural supplement such as Auctus Male Enhancement provides natural results. You get long lasting results in a natural way. This 100% natural male enhancement supplement is an ideal solution if you are looking for a safe and reliable product.

There are many side effects that accompany prescription male enhancement products. The side effects may not be immediately apparent. They harm core physiological functions in the long run. Auctus Male Enhancement increases testosterone levels organically. Additionally, you get stronger and harder erections. You have more fulfilling and intense orgasms. You are able to last longer in bed.

In the landscape of male enhancement supplements, Auctus is a safe, natural, and reliable solution. Auctus Male Enhancement provides natural ways for penis enlargement, harder erections, and how to last longer in bed for men.

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Use Penis Pills to Resolve Sexual Problems Naturally [30 Jul 2012|02:20pm]

There are few problems in the world that don’t have potential solutions. If you have been trying penis growth pills to no avail, don’t give up just yet. These pills should not influence your state of mind nor determine your happiness. You can control the way you feel about yourself as your mind is blessed with powers of sub-conscious persuasion. If you can persuade yourself to feel positive, you will be just that.

However, sexual problems are an important concern in life. It is natural for you to feel less sexually active with age. You can reverse the effects of nature, provided you do it naturally. This can spare you of the agony of dealing with side effects from synthetic products.

How to tackle sexual problems

Remember that sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and lack of libido are not tied to masculinity. To conquer these obstacles, it is important to talk about this to one’s partner. Open communication about this will set expectations, while increasing trust between you and your partner. Trying to hide sexual inadequacies will actually only contribute to avoiding the problem. There is nothing to be ashamed when it comes to sexual problems. Don’t be a victim of convention.

Trying natural supplements

Only a few products work and most of them are unnatural. However, there is good news. Out of this niche, Auctus Male Enhancement penis pills are one of the industry’s preferred and 100% natural solutions. Crafted and scientifically formulated from natural ingredients, the product has changed the lives of thousands of men.

Auctus Male Enhancement is not your average penis growth pills. It has been funded by years of research, pharmaceutical development, and scientific analysis. Proving that natural solutions work better, Auctus has established this fact given the favorable reviews the product has received.

Happiness is a state of your mind

Tying happiness to an ideal penis enlargement solution is absurd. Happiness between you and your partner is dependent on virtues of trust, respect, and commonalities. Trusted penis pills from Auctus Male Enhancement may only accentuate your existing happiness. If need be, they can be your perfect antidote to everlasting vitality. Thousands of users have vouched for this fact. You could transform into a completely new person. Your dreams of being an eternal alpha-male will come true. You will resonate with vitality, vigor, and virility. To learn more, visit

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