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kirby catchlove ;; hobgoblin

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seven. [23 Mar 2009|10:24pm]
[ mood | bored ]

I usually don't approve of monosyllabic entries because I find that they sound both pompous and pretentious, personality attributes that both draw my ire. But unfortunately, as I don't feel like going into a detailed entry, only one word can sum it all up:


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six. [27 Oct 2008|10:54pm]
[ mood | okay ]

So this whole celibacy is going HORRIBLY. I HATE EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF IT. quite swimmingly! Many people have already wrote to say what a shining example I have provided. I'm just glad to be able to be the poster boy for good examples.

So. Our new manager. Quite the interesting person.


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five. [17 Sep 2008|08:59pm]
[ mood | horrified ]


So in a show of solidarity with one of my best friends and bandmate, I too, shall take a vow of celibacy. My straightedge stance shall become even straighter.


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four. [03 Sep 2008|03:26pm]
[ mood | amused ]


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kirby catchlove ;; [30 Aug 2008|12:27pm]
[ music | Weezer; The Greatest Man That Ever Lived ]

[info]valesco only.

you try to play it cool like you just don't care but soon i'll be playin' in your underwear )
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three. [27 Aug 2008|10:09pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]


I've already had tons of owls pouring in, pledging their unwavering loyalty and support behind me.  It means so much to me, honestly.  The fact that I know that I'm innocent echoed in your sentiments really says something. Now I'm not quite sure that I know this Miss Shawna Jansen or even met her even, but I'm sure she's a lovely girl who is only doing this out of a need for attention.  I would diagnose the same for Mister Lochte, but power is what power does.

My first day of mandatory community service is tomorrow.  I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go, but the owl comes later tonight.  Like I said to the Prophet, I'm more than willing to serve out my "punishment."  I love this community, and I'll be more than willing to give something back.

Speaking of the Prophet, if you did happen to believe their asinine article, then I feel unbelievably sorry for you.  I reassure you that I am neither a sexual deviant nor drug fiend.  I have prided myself on my straightedge stance for years; it is only my honor that I am defending against what seems like a very bad joke.

Stubby, I never would have thought it so, but my glasses look smashing on you, mate.

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two. [20 Aug 2008|01:03am]
[ mood | good ]


OH AND CATCHLOVE RELATIVES. In case some did not read Stefana's journal, I have given her front-row tickets and backstage passes for tomorrow night's show in London. Also Tilden Toots is stopping by.

I hope everyone can make it tomorrow night! Waldo and I have something rather special planned.

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one. [03 Jun 2008|02:15am]
[ mood | tired ]

So a fan mailed this to me along with a big box of my favourite Honeyduke's chocolate. Thank you, Lizzie Tweedy, wherever you are! I've always meant to buy one of these journals, but I never really got around to it, despite of how popular they seem to be now.

Also, Teen Witch seemed to have gotten some of stats wrong, but that's alright.

I'd write more if I wasn't ready to pass out from exhaustion.

Perhaps I should have written more for my first entry.


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