Keegan Robins' Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Keegan Robins

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[23 Mar 2009|11:48pm]
Ludo )

Dirk )Joey )
I think I'm covered.

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Hexed to friends only. [23 Mar 2009|07:19pm]
[ mood | crazy ]

I got a letter from a Cannons scout. They'll be coming to a game after the season is over to see me play. HOLYHELLWHATIFIFUCKUP

...This feels like a dream.

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Owl to Ashlyn [31 Dec 2008|10:09am]
Happy birthday love. I miss you and can't wait to see you.

All my love,

in the owl there is a set of new quills and a fresh roll of parchment with a small note next to it. "Sorry this isn't a better present. Love, Keegan."
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[04 Dec 2008|11:15pm]
Ashlyn. Are you busy?
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[08 Aug 2008|01:20am]
[ mood | nervous ]

Counting down the days until I leave Hogwarts.

Oh Merlin's left testicle.
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[15 Jul 2008|06:27pm]
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