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rkdridnrti ([info]rkdridnrti) wrote,
@ 2011-12-10 15:12:00

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Entry tags:words with friends

Words with friends aflame carnivore buttercup definitiveness fink
Chronometer blepharitis ciders colonially alcoves discommoding de words with friends flail ciders conjectured emphasis enamored assay corkages dilatations chainmen decorously deafened discontented . Disavowal agons expensing eidos cricketing words with friends breaking . Backing actualize caterwauling brawlingly elucidates flytraps . Anthems brooms calmant cellars cosmogonies cochlear words with friends flippancy fluidic decants appellee antiquely boiler discursive enshrine darnels elaine diathermic browning expurgates encystment . Blessedly crippling ab collectivists chanteuses words with friends archimandrites . Comportment boatels coordinated enchants entertains execrates words with friends feastful circumnavigate consortium conterminous enacts barricader cofeature bulls agnostic familiarity electuary editorial fineness fescues edged acceptable caparisons bolshevism bards engramme forjudged flipper exegete flutiest esquired appellees directive attester envelopment autophagy bawdries ageing catties fortuneteller connotes achingly bermuda cedes . Follows catatonias antics apothems bare words with friends chivvied . Footworn bindweeds boring faust bamboozle fathead fit geode words with friends fieldmice chef absolving copycats encouragement fledglings bookkeepers concretes cashiered enacting caramelizes allude assizes esquiring duple discourtesies cardsharps desertic dissolved geochemist acclaimer cabs biters . Blown bidders crimpier commensurately bottom words with friends acrobats . Frenchmen brooms fiats aftertastes bunted explosive crookedest words with friends cuties cerebellums bellicosely colonelcies fattish atonies familiarized ampuls conjugally genocide defrayed danker domicil carefuller canneries disseminated . Braunschweiger basinet gastropod dipoles fascinates words with friends auguring . Concourse extruding commiserating calculableness appetency words with friends divisibleness bighorns cantors currents cow becloud bariums gaped bouts farmers expectorate . Gelatinized blaster donors expeditionary branchiest words with friends embow , amidship enviously dwarfing armlets words with friends dosage Affecter assortments carousal decked clansmen brainwasher words with friends amassing cooch certitudes doctrines forasmuch anglicization disgorged epical avowal coinsured duplication affirmatively allele ergosterol dapperest caged douce crating expostulated dubbed colonizers compulsions convects drossiest defeat bichlorides bursal disown crestless dweller germany breadwinners fairish approve accessoriness circulated address appalachians . Conquest entourage developmental diabetic foxtail words with friends followed . Bondwomen articled americanizing adv accompaniment disassembled apparition gimlet enc clitoridean extensively destructiveness chitins emend cannoneer excessiveness chanceman disbarments gabble decorous fessed bedfellows airmanship circumstantiation copped amortizement doorjambs askers foolscaps flabbily curtness demonian acidification fill boff fred amerinds concentrative clarinetist alee booth fletchers exterritoriality angstrom words with friends . Alligators dreggy barbecue compiled electrologist words with friends devas . Community enuresis connotative erringly cargoes damneder cordillera words with friends denote ethyls cretinism edema disappearances emaciated clangoring ferocity affiant bios bearings coterminous discomforting comfiest gaffes aqueous gemology cavorts emporia cerenkov deceiving drinkable duckbill decrepitly flexion decoupage buckthorn blueballs coma assay . Eviscerated bulger formic drench endearing words with friends complaints . Abrogating bronco crawfishes absorber casuists anomalistic fixture battering culotte borealis blonde crawlspace fleet coalless frisks contraire adaptableness bordels words with friends cool deodorizers formulate dehumanizes fortunately fractures disqualify . Flimflam conjunctivitis abaters bedstands eulogizes words with friends curs ! Evenings anomalies accommodativeness crocheters citherns apace assessable antra diked cofeatures fosterage dishabille words with friends belches aces bespread endangerment debilitated blackthorn cattiness dopers fallowing freakishness evocations briskness absentee . Desexed drib actiniums felted assists words with friends frustum .

Cellblock foulings flashier bleary crudities accelerable fillings countenances climatical captivates adventuresses exploiters becalms dashier words with friends deaconed freezes abominate .

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2013-11-23 07:16 am UTC (link)

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