a torch dragged over one hay bale after another, igniting everything

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Edie 1
ocean skies

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Hippie flower power
1--Answer the questions below
2--Take each answer and type it into Photobucket (http://www.photobucket.com/)
3--Take any picture from the first page of results and post. (click on the picture and copy the HTML code) Dont explain, it's funnier that way!

1.What is your name?

2. What month were you born in?

3. What's your favorite hobby?

4. What's your favorite TV show?

5. What's your favorite color?

6. Who's your crush?

7. What's your favorite movie?

8. Who's your favorite Disney princess?

9. The name of your pet?

10. What's your dream vacation spot?

11. What's your favorite dessert?

12. What's your favorite letter?

13. What are you most afraid of?

14. Your last name?

15. What's your favorite time of day?

16. What's your favorite accessory?

17. What's your favorite beverage?

18. One word to describe yourself?

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