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User:regret (11521)

living might mean taking chances

Interests:15: & meeting new people!, 060907, being with my besties, being with my boyfriend, going out to eat, hollister & american eagle, my pink razr, myspace!, olive garden, playing halo 2(:, playing softball(:, running, shopping!, starbucks, talking on aim..
Schools:None listed
People7:bebe, birdie, dollface, loved, papelbon, rocketship, tempo
Communities9:addme, bedtalks, donut, girltalk, gjers, honorcup, layout, scribbldsextalk, sextalk
Account type:Early Adopter
Date created:2008-01-10 19:50:22
Date updated:2008-01-10 20:28:43, 895 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:1
Comments:Posted: 19 - Received: 0
Posting Access:2: addme, bedtalks

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