Natasha Romanova (![]() @ 2009-05-09 09:03:00 |
Real Name: Natalia “Natasha” Alianovna Romanova
Known Aliases: Natasha Romanoff, Nancy Rushman, Laura Matthers, Oktober, Tsarina, Natalia Shostakova, Nadine Roman
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: Adventurer, intelligence operative, former ballerina
Citizenship: Former citizen of the USSR, resident in the United States under extended visa authorized by SHIELD
Place of Birth: Former USSR
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents (presumed deceased); Alexi Shostakov (Red Guardian, ex-husband), Anthony Stark (Husband), Anya Stark (Daughter), Mikhail Loganovich Romanov(Son)
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Natasha has received the Red Room's variant of the Super-Soldier Serum. As a result, many of her body's physical capabilities have been heightened to the peak of human capability.
Peak Human Strength: Her physical strength is heightened to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of a woman of her height, weight and build. She is capable of lifting up to 500 lbs.
Peak Human Speed: Her speed is also enhanced to the peak of human capability. Natasha is as fast as a human can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Agility: Natasha's natural agility is heightened to the peak of human capability. She is as agile as a human being can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Reflexes: Her reaction time is similarly enhanced and functions with the peak of human efficiency and capability.
Peak Human Durability: Natasha's bodily tissues have been augmented to the pinnacle of human development. Though she can be injured in the typical ways other humans can be, she is as physically tough as a human being can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Senses: Her five senses are enhanced and function at peak of human perfection.
Peak Human Immune System: While she is susceptible to disease like all other ordinary humans, her ability to resist and recover from them is heightened to the peak of human capability.
Extended Longevity: The Super-Soldier serum variant has also extended her lifespan by dramatically slowing her natural aging process. Although she is 72 years old, she has the youthful appearance and vitality of a woman in the physical prime of her life.
Master Martial Artist: Natasha is an expert in the field of martial arts. She has mastered karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing, and multiple styles of kung fu.
Expert Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist capable of many difficult feats.
Expert Marksman: Natasha is a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing.
Multilingual: She is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, and various other languages.
Graceful Dancer: Natasha is a profound ballet dancer.
Expert Tactician: She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has lead the Avengers and even SHIELD on one occasion.
Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security.
Master Seductress: She is an expert in the field of seduction. Natasha has been infamously known to bend many different men to her will and sometimes even get them to do her bidding for her. Hawkeye and Iron Man are two examples and living proof of this. She sometimes continues deceiving certain men through means of acting if she still has a further use for them.
Expert Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as an agent of SHIELD.
Strength level
Though the serum has kept her in her physical prime, it's effects on her body have made pregnancy impossible without taking immuno-suppressants.
edit Paraphernalia
Equipment: Costume Specifications: Synthetic stretch fabric which has been augmented to be highly resistant to damage even small arms fire and high temperatures. Microscopic suction cups on her costume allow her to scale walls and cling to ceilings, just as her namesake.
Transportation: Natasha uses her Widow's Line, a grappling hook with a retractable line, to swing along rooftops for increased mobility. Avenger's Quinjets. Assorted S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft.
Weapons: Personal Weaponry: The Black Widow's wrist cartridges contain various tools of the spy trade: tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable.
Special Weaponry: Various automatic weapons and firearms, combat knives and explosives as needed. She also uses a device often referred to as the Widow's Bite that is capable of emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about 30,000 volts.
Source of Paraphernalia: Formerly Soviet Union, S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers.
Natalia Romanova, known to most as Natasha Romanoff, is rumored to be a relative of the Romanoffs, the last ruling czars if Russia, but nothing else is known of her family. During World War II, a Nazi assault upon Stalingrad set the building she was in on fire. A woman, possibly her mother, threw her into the arms of a Russian soldier named Ivan Petrovich before being consumed by the flames.
Ivan brought Natasha under his protection and soon had to defend her from her many enemies. In 1941, Natasha was sought by the Nazi Baron Srtucker, who presented her to the Hand to become their master assassin. She was saved from Strucker and the Hand by Ivan, the American super hero Captain America, and the Canadian adventurer Logan.
Under Ivan’s care, Natasha grew to pursue her goal of becoming a ballet dancer and studied under Oksana Bolishinko, a famous Bolshoi instructor. She fell in love with a Soviet test pilot named Alexi Shostakov but was grief stricken when he apparently died testing an experimental rocket. Natasha decided that she would honor Alex’s memory by becoming an intelligence operative, not realizing that this was what the KGB had hoped would happen when they informed her of Alexi’s death. She was instructed by the KGB in the infamous Red Room Academy and under their training, she became their most skilled operative, a superb fighter and information gatherer. The KGB gave her the name of “Black Widow” and quickly sent her into the field.
When Logan resurfaced in America, now bereft of his memory, Natasha set out as the Black Widow to save him from a team of Hydra assassins. She soon encountered Logan again when he, Ben Grimm and Carol Danvers stole the Red Storm Project from Russia. Natasha pursued them but was ordered off by her superiors.
The Black Widow’s first encounter with Iron Man came when she was directed to slay Anton Vanko, the creator of the Soviet Crimson Dynamo armour, who had defected to America. Natasha attempted to distract Tony Stark while her partner Boris Turgenov used the Crimson Dynamo to destroy Stark’s plants. Turgenov and Vanko wound up perishing in battle, and Natasha remained in America to find some way of regaining the KGB’s favor.
Since Tony Stark was still unaware that she was a KGB operative, she continued to romance him so that she could steal a new anti-gravity device he had created. She managed to use the device to commit various acts of sabotage, even lifting entire buildings into the air, but Iron Man nullified the device and she barely escaped capture, now unable to trick Stark into lowering his guard.
By luck, Natasha happened upon the novice crime fighter Hawkeye, who had been mistaken for a criminal by the police. Hawkeye was so taken with Natasha that she was able to entice him into an attempt at stealing plans from Tony Stark. Hawkeye fought Iron Man while Natasha watched from a distance, but when Iron Man deflected one of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows, the force of the impact struck Natasha down, knocking her unconscious. Hawkeye fled the scene to help Natasha recover.
After Natasha recovered, her superiors instructed her to avoid Stark Industries for a time and directed her instead to target Williams Innovations. She duped Hawkeye into assaulting that firm, but Spider-Man intervened and Hawkeye turned back as he had begun to suspect his lover’s true motivations. Natasha later send Hawkeye out on a second attempt to steal Stark’s plans. However, while Hawkeye was gone, she was kidnapped by the KGB and returned to Russia. The KGB designed a new costume for her and equipped her with her “widow’s bite” and “widow’s line”. With these new weapons Natasha joined Hawkeye in battle against Iron Man in an attempt to destroy him, but when Iron Man shocked Natasha with an electrical blast Hawkeye disobeyed her direct orders to save her life once again. The KGB then returned and stole Natasha away from Hawkeye.
This time the KGB brainwashed Natasha to ensure her loyalty to the state: in her next mission, she found herself pitted against Hawkeye, who had become a member of the Avengers. Her love for Hawkeye allowed her to resist the brainwashing, and she finally turned against the KGB. She became an ally of the Avengers for awhile, aiding them against the Sons of the Serpent. She also proved instrumental in defeating the alien Ultroids who were certain the Avengers would not kill their leader Ixar because of their oath against killing, but Natasha force Ixar to surrender, reasoning that as she was not an Avenger, she was not bound by their oaths.
On an assignment for SHIELD, Natasha discovered that Alexi Shostakov was still alive and had been transformed by the KGB into the costumed hero, the Red Guardian. She and the Avengers opposed the Red Guardian and his masters, and Alexi died in the battle. For awhile Natasha abandoned her identity as the Black Widow, just as the Avengers were about to make her an official member.
Natasha finally decided to resume the Black Widow identity, but soon broke off her relationship with Hawkeye so that she could pursue a solo career. She adopted a new all-black uniform and became a vigilante, battling street gangs and organized crime in New York. Ivan had come to America by then and he served as her chauffeur and confidant. Her new methods of operation brought her into contact with Daredevil and she doon developed both a professional and personal relationship with him, battling side by side as they fell in love.
Natasha was less taken with Matt’s law partner Foggy Nelson, who was manipulated by the villain Mr. Kline into prosecuting her for the murder of Scorpion (which actually was a robot duplicate). Although Natasha was proven innocent, she never truly forgave Foggy for the savagery of his courtroom assault.
Matt broke up with his long-time love, Karen Page, so that he could be with Natasha and the two of them moved to San Francisco to start a new life together. They fought against menaces such as the Man-bull, the Blue Talon, Dark Messiah, Agnar the Screamer, Ramrod, Terrex, Kraven the Hunter, the Death Stalker, the Owl, El Jaguar, Hydra and Damon Dran, the Indestructible Man.
Natasha wanted to find a new career for herself beyond the day to day adventures she and Daredevil enjoyed and attempted to become a fashion designer, but her career never took off, and her relationship with Matt became strained.
Natasha left Daredevil briefly to accept an offer of membership in the Avengers after aiding them against Magneto, but she soon left them after determining from a battle against the Lion God that she did not fit into a team environment. Natasha and Matt reconciled for awhile, but after a lengthy romance, Natasha finally broke up with Matt because she felt he did not treat her as an equal in battle.
Sill on the West Coast, Natasha joined forces with Ghost Rider (John Blaze) and Angel and Iceman of the X-Men when the gods Hercules and Venus were captured by the armies of Pluto and Ares. After having saved Hercules from a forced marriage, he joined four heroes to found a new super-hero team, the Champions. Based in Los Angeles and bankrolled by Angel, the team enjoyed modest success in their adventures. During this time, Natasha became involved with Hercules, but his perspective as an immortal made a long-term relationship seem unimportant. The Champions finally disbanded due to bankruptcy.
Although she and Daredevil had parted ways, the Black Widow was still well-known to Daredevil’s enemies as a woman he had loved and Natasha was captured by Bullseye to be used as bait in an attempt to slay Daredevil. However, Natasha escaped her bonds and aided Daredevil in defeating Bullseye.
Damon Dran, one of Natasha’s enemies from her days with Daredevil, captured Ivan in order to lure Natasha to his island where he set an army of female combat specialists against her. Dran intended to send and agent impersonating the Black Widow to infiltrate the SHIELD Helicarrier and assassinate Nick Fury, but Natasha defeated Dran’s agents and warned Fury. She also saved Ivan from Dran before SHIELD bombed Dran’s island.
The Black Widow was once more embroiled in the schemes of the Hand when she attempted to prevent them from stealing the body of their master warrior, Kirigi, from the morgue. The Hand struck Natasha down with poisons that killed her, but Stone of the Chaste restored her to life. She joined forces with Daredevil and Stone against the Hand when they attempted to revive Elektra. Natasha guessed at the time that Elektra had been successfully revived, but kept this from Matt for his own good.
When Natasha learned that Okasna Bolishinko, her old instructor, was in America at the Russian Embassy, she broke into the premises seeking to apologize to her mentor for abandoning the ballet to become a spy. Oskana replied that Natasha was not the only pupil of hers who had been stolen away by the KGB and that she accepted that espionage was Natasha’s true calling.
Russian agents then created a Life Model Decoy of Alexi Shostakov, which they used to dupe Natasha into believing her husband was still alive. With threats of terminating Alexi, they coerced her into performing acts of espionage for Russia against the US. Upon gaining the desired technology, the Russians revealed the truth and tried to kill the Widow, but with the aid of Ivan she defeated them and destroyed the LMD.
Always fond of Logan, Natasha started a brief affair with him which resulted in a pregnancy. The two decided to keep the baby and Mikhail Loganovich Romanov was born on May 7th 1988. Natasha spent the next year with Logan and Misha, but a sedentary life was not something Natasha could adjust to and when Logan agreed to raise Misha, Natasha resumed her spying duties.
The next two years would be spent diving her time between work and her son with Natasha trying to be home as much as possible. On average she spent about two weeks a month at home with her son.
When Misha was around three, Natasha helped fellow Avengers and friend Tony Stark through his battle with alcoholism and his recovery from being shot by Kathy Dare. The two started an affair which resulted in another pregnancy for Natasha. Natasha informed Tony about the pregnancy and the two decided to have the child. Anya Antonovna Stark was born to the couple in August of 1992.
As a couple Natasha and Tony lasted three years after Anya's birth. During those three years the couple lived together and raised Anya along with extended stays by Misha. When the relationship ended, Natasha resumed her career as a spy and once again divided her time between her job and her two children.
When she was home, Natasha devoted one hundred percent of her time and attention to her two children.
Events with her children brought Natasha home. During her stay she and Tony decided to give a relationship another try and eventually the two married. Natasha retired from S.H.I.E.L.D. and spying, but remained an active Avenger.
Political change in Russia brought the Romanov family back to the throne. Natasha was the most direct descendant of Nicholas II and therefore was heir to the throne. She was empress of Russia for about a month before a nephew, son of her older brother, was discovered. She abdicated in favor of him and returned home with Tony.
She currently oversees the Young Avengers team.
Real Name: Natalia “Natasha” Alianovna Romanova
Known Aliases: Natasha Romanoff, Nancy Rushman, Laura Matthers, Oktober, Tsarina, Natalia Shostakova, Nadine Roman
Identity: Publicly known
Occupation: Adventurer, intelligence operative, former ballerina
Citizenship: Former citizen of the USSR, resident in the United States under extended visa authorized by SHIELD
Place of Birth: Former USSR
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Unnamed parents (presumed deceased); Alexi Shostakov (Red Guardian, ex-husband), Anthony Stark (Husband), Anya Stark (Daughter), Mikhail Loganovich Romanov(Son)
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: Natasha has received the Red Room's variant of the Super-Soldier Serum. As a result, many of her body's physical capabilities have been heightened to the peak of human capability.
Peak Human Strength: Her physical strength is heightened to a level that is beyond the natural physical limits of a woman of her height, weight and build. She is capable of lifting up to 500 lbs.
Peak Human Speed: Her speed is also enhanced to the peak of human capability. Natasha is as fast as a human can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Agility: Natasha's natural agility is heightened to the peak of human capability. She is as agile as a human being can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Reflexes: Her reaction time is similarly enhanced and functions with the peak of human efficiency and capability.
Peak Human Durability: Natasha's bodily tissues have been augmented to the pinnacle of human development. Though she can be injured in the typical ways other humans can be, she is as physically tough as a human being can be without being classified as superhuman.
Peak Human Senses: Her five senses are enhanced and function at peak of human perfection.
Peak Human Immune System: While she is susceptible to disease like all other ordinary humans, her ability to resist and recover from them is heightened to the peak of human capability.
Extended Longevity: The Super-Soldier serum variant has also extended her lifespan by dramatically slowing her natural aging process. Although she is 72 years old, she has the youthful appearance and vitality of a woman in the physical prime of her life.
Master Martial Artist: Natasha is an expert in the field of martial arts. She has mastered karate, judo, aikido, savate, boxing, and multiple styles of kung fu.
Expert Acrobat: She is an Olympic class athlete, gymnast, acrobat and aerialist capable of many difficult feats.
Expert Marksman: Natasha is a very accurate marksman skilled in sharpshooting and knife throwing.
Multilingual: She is fluent in Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, and various other languages.
Graceful Dancer: Natasha is a profound ballet dancer.
Expert Tactician: She is a very effective strategist, tactician, and field commander. She has lead the Avengers and even SHIELD on one occasion.
Talented Hacker: Natasha can hack into most computer systems without tripping any firewalls or security.
Master Seductress: She is an expert in the field of seduction. Natasha has been infamously known to bend many different men to her will and sometimes even get them to do her bidding for her. Hawkeye and Iron Man are two examples and living proof of this. She sometimes continues deceiving certain men through means of acting if she still has a further use for them.
Expert Spy: Natasha is a dangerous secret agent trained in espionage, stealth, disguise, infiltration, and demolitions. Her talents and years of experience have enabled her to reach a high ranking as an agent of SHIELD.
Strength level
Though the serum has kept her in her physical prime, it's effects on her body have made pregnancy impossible without taking immuno-suppressants.
edit Paraphernalia
Equipment: Costume Specifications: Synthetic stretch fabric which has been augmented to be highly resistant to damage even small arms fire and high temperatures. Microscopic suction cups on her costume allow her to scale walls and cling to ceilings, just as her namesake.
Transportation: Natasha uses her Widow's Line, a grappling hook with a retractable line, to swing along rooftops for increased mobility. Avenger's Quinjets. Assorted S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft.
Weapons: Personal Weaponry: The Black Widow's wrist cartridges contain various tools of the spy trade: tear-gas pellets, a radio transmitter and spring-loaded cable.
Special Weaponry: Various automatic weapons and firearms, combat knives and explosives as needed. She also uses a device often referred to as the Widow's Bite that is capable of emitting highly potent electric shocks with a maximum of about 30,000 volts.
Source of Paraphernalia: Formerly Soviet Union, S.H.I.E.L.D., Avengers.
Natalia Romanova, known to most as Natasha Romanoff, is rumored to be a relative of the Romanoffs, the last ruling czars if Russia, but nothing else is known of her family. During World War II, a Nazi assault upon Stalingrad set the building she was in on fire. A woman, possibly her mother, threw her into the arms of a Russian soldier named Ivan Petrovich before being consumed by the flames.
Ivan brought Natasha under his protection and soon had to defend her from her many enemies. In 1941, Natasha was sought by the Nazi Baron Srtucker, who presented her to the Hand to become their master assassin. She was saved from Strucker and the Hand by Ivan, the American super hero Captain America, and the Canadian adventurer Logan.
Under Ivan’s care, Natasha grew to pursue her goal of becoming a ballet dancer and studied under Oksana Bolishinko, a famous Bolshoi instructor. She fell in love with a Soviet test pilot named Alexi Shostakov but was grief stricken when he apparently died testing an experimental rocket. Natasha decided that she would honor Alex’s memory by becoming an intelligence operative, not realizing that this was what the KGB had hoped would happen when they informed her of Alexi’s death. She was instructed by the KGB in the infamous Red Room Academy and under their training, she became their most skilled operative, a superb fighter and information gatherer. The KGB gave her the name of “Black Widow” and quickly sent her into the field.
When Logan resurfaced in America, now bereft of his memory, Natasha set out as the Black Widow to save him from a team of Hydra assassins. She soon encountered Logan again when he, Ben Grimm and Carol Danvers stole the Red Storm Project from Russia. Natasha pursued them but was ordered off by her superiors.
The Black Widow’s first encounter with Iron Man came when she was directed to slay Anton Vanko, the creator of the Soviet Crimson Dynamo armour, who had defected to America. Natasha attempted to distract Tony Stark while her partner Boris Turgenov used the Crimson Dynamo to destroy Stark’s plants. Turgenov and Vanko wound up perishing in battle, and Natasha remained in America to find some way of regaining the KGB’s favor.
Since Tony Stark was still unaware that she was a KGB operative, she continued to romance him so that she could steal a new anti-gravity device he had created. She managed to use the device to commit various acts of sabotage, even lifting entire buildings into the air, but Iron Man nullified the device and she barely escaped capture, now unable to trick Stark into lowering his guard.
By luck, Natasha happened upon the novice crime fighter Hawkeye, who had been mistaken for a criminal by the police. Hawkeye was so taken with Natasha that she was able to entice him into an attempt at stealing plans from Tony Stark. Hawkeye fought Iron Man while Natasha watched from a distance, but when Iron Man deflected one of Hawkeye’s explosive arrows, the force of the impact struck Natasha down, knocking her unconscious. Hawkeye fled the scene to help Natasha recover.
After Natasha recovered, her superiors instructed her to avoid Stark Industries for a time and directed her instead to target Williams Innovations. She duped Hawkeye into assaulting that firm, but Spider-Man intervened and Hawkeye turned back as he had begun to suspect his lover’s true motivations. Natasha later send Hawkeye out on a second attempt to steal Stark’s plans. However, while Hawkeye was gone, she was kidnapped by the KGB and returned to Russia. The KGB designed a new costume for her and equipped her with her “widow’s bite” and “widow’s line”. With these new weapons Natasha joined Hawkeye in battle against Iron Man in an attempt to destroy him, but when Iron Man shocked Natasha with an electrical blast Hawkeye disobeyed her direct orders to save her life once again. The KGB then returned and stole Natasha away from Hawkeye.
This time the KGB brainwashed Natasha to ensure her loyalty to the state: in her next mission, she found herself pitted against Hawkeye, who had become a member of the Avengers. Her love for Hawkeye allowed her to resist the brainwashing, and she finally turned against the KGB. She became an ally of the Avengers for awhile, aiding them against the Sons of the Serpent. She also proved instrumental in defeating the alien Ultroids who were certain the Avengers would not kill their leader Ixar because of their oath against killing, but Natasha force Ixar to surrender, reasoning that as she was not an Avenger, she was not bound by their oaths.
On an assignment for SHIELD, Natasha discovered that Alexi Shostakov was still alive and had been transformed by the KGB into the costumed hero, the Red Guardian. She and the Avengers opposed the Red Guardian and his masters, and Alexi died in the battle. For awhile Natasha abandoned her identity as the Black Widow, just as the Avengers were about to make her an official member.
Natasha finally decided to resume the Black Widow identity, but soon broke off her relationship with Hawkeye so that she could pursue a solo career. She adopted a new all-black uniform and became a vigilante, battling street gangs and organized crime in New York. Ivan had come to America by then and he served as her chauffeur and confidant. Her new methods of operation brought her into contact with Daredevil and she doon developed both a professional and personal relationship with him, battling side by side as they fell in love.
Natasha was less taken with Matt’s law partner Foggy Nelson, who was manipulated by the villain Mr. Kline into prosecuting her for the murder of Scorpion (which actually was a robot duplicate). Although Natasha was proven innocent, she never truly forgave Foggy for the savagery of his courtroom assault.
Matt broke up with his long-time love, Karen Page, so that he could be with Natasha and the two of them moved to San Francisco to start a new life together. They fought against menaces such as the Man-bull, the Blue Talon, Dark Messiah, Agnar the Screamer, Ramrod, Terrex, Kraven the Hunter, the Death Stalker, the Owl, El Jaguar, Hydra and Damon Dran, the Indestructible Man.
Natasha wanted to find a new career for herself beyond the day to day adventures she and Daredevil enjoyed and attempted to become a fashion designer, but her career never took off, and her relationship with Matt became strained.
Natasha left Daredevil briefly to accept an offer of membership in the Avengers after aiding them against Magneto, but she soon left them after determining from a battle against the Lion God that she did not fit into a team environment. Natasha and Matt reconciled for awhile, but after a lengthy romance, Natasha finally broke up with Matt because she felt he did not treat her as an equal in battle.
Sill on the West Coast, Natasha joined forces with Ghost Rider (John Blaze) and Angel and Iceman of the X-Men when the gods Hercules and Venus were captured by the armies of Pluto and Ares. After having saved Hercules from a forced marriage, he joined four heroes to found a new super-hero team, the Champions. Based in Los Angeles and bankrolled by Angel, the team enjoyed modest success in their adventures. During this time, Natasha became involved with Hercules, but his perspective as an immortal made a long-term relationship seem unimportant. The Champions finally disbanded due to bankruptcy.
Although she and Daredevil had parted ways, the Black Widow was still well-known to Daredevil’s enemies as a woman he had loved and Natasha was captured by Bullseye to be used as bait in an attempt to slay Daredevil. However, Natasha escaped her bonds and aided Daredevil in defeating Bullseye.
Damon Dran, one of Natasha’s enemies from her days with Daredevil, captured Ivan in order to lure Natasha to his island where he set an army of female combat specialists against her. Dran intended to send and agent impersonating the Black Widow to infiltrate the SHIELD Helicarrier and assassinate Nick Fury, but Natasha defeated Dran’s agents and warned Fury. She also saved Ivan from Dran before SHIELD bombed Dran’s island.
The Black Widow was once more embroiled in the schemes of the Hand when she attempted to prevent them from stealing the body of their master warrior, Kirigi, from the morgue. The Hand struck Natasha down with poisons that killed her, but Stone of the Chaste restored her to life. She joined forces with Daredevil and Stone against the Hand when they attempted to revive Elektra. Natasha guessed at the time that Elektra had been successfully revived, but kept this from Matt for his own good.
When Natasha learned that Okasna Bolishinko, her old instructor, was in America at the Russian Embassy, she broke into the premises seeking to apologize to her mentor for abandoning the ballet to become a spy. Oskana replied that Natasha was not the only pupil of hers who had been stolen away by the KGB and that she accepted that espionage was Natasha’s true calling.
Russian agents then created a Life Model Decoy of Alexi Shostakov, which they used to dupe Natasha into believing her husband was still alive. With threats of terminating Alexi, they coerced her into performing acts of espionage for Russia against the US. Upon gaining the desired technology, the Russians revealed the truth and tried to kill the Widow, but with the aid of Ivan she defeated them and destroyed the LMD.
Always fond of Logan, Natasha started a brief affair with him which resulted in a pregnancy. The two decided to keep the baby and Mikhail Loganovich Romanov was born on May 7th 1988. Natasha spent the next year with Logan and Misha, but a sedentary life was not something Natasha could adjust to and when Logan agreed to raise Misha, Natasha resumed her spying duties.
The next two years would be spent diving her time between work and her son with Natasha trying to be home as much as possible. On average she spent about two weeks a month at home with her son.
When Misha was around three, Natasha helped fellow Avengers and friend Tony Stark through his battle with alcoholism and his recovery from being shot by Kathy Dare. The two started an affair which resulted in another pregnancy for Natasha. Natasha informed Tony about the pregnancy and the two decided to have the child. Anya Antonovna Stark was born to the couple in August of 1992.
As a couple Natasha and Tony lasted three years after Anya's birth. During those three years the couple lived together and raised Anya along with extended stays by Misha. When the relationship ended, Natasha resumed her career as a spy and once again divided her time between her job and her two children.
When she was home, Natasha devoted one hundred percent of her time and attention to her two children.
Events with her children brought Natasha home. During her stay she and Tony decided to give a relationship another try and eventually the two married. Natasha retired from S.H.I.E.L.D. and spying, but remained an active Avenger.
Political change in Russia brought the Romanov family back to the throne. Natasha was the most direct descendant of Nicholas II and therefore was heir to the throne. She was empress of Russia for about a month before a nephew, son of her older brother, was discovered. She abdicated in favor of him and returned home with Tony.
She currently oversees the Young Avengers team.
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