
joy drake // redwing

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(no subject) @ 12:10 am


This was why Janie was her favorite. Okay, not really. She adored her younger sister, baked goods or no. But the brownies really were very good. She grinned at Janie, sitting up and setting down the magazine as she moved to make room for the younger girl. "It's a special one night only fee," she assured her. Your yearly pass is still in effect." It was nice to just get to spend time with her family, especially Janie. It felt like her sister had grown ridiculously every time she came home and she didn't want to miss out on anything.

Taking a bite of a brownie, she gave a low, pleased hum. "Mom's cooking is the best," she said. "Sin's going to want a whole box of baked goods when I go back, to make up for missing this." Her best friend could have stayed with her, but she'd got to visit her own parents. "So, Jaybird," she said, "how are things going for you?"

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joy drake // redwing