
joy drake // redwing

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(no subject) @ 03:07 am

[info]thegirlwonder commented on [info]redbird's post:

"I'll try not to rub it into other people's faces," she joked. Though the offer of coming to visit had her sit up a bit with an excited grin. "Really? I could?" She'd been to Gotham before, many times, but mostly to visit Grandpa Bruce, for Dad's business trips, and when they visited to help Joy set up her apartment in Gotham. But never on her own really, Daddy had all sorts of stories and warnings about Gotham but if there was any way she'd be allowed to go somewhere on her own, Gotham especially, it'd be to visit Joy. It sounded promising, this way she might get to see Joy more often and not have it depend on parental schedules. Besides, she was a good flier.

"Guess I'm lucky you still remember my name, because name tags suck, they fall off too much." Janie laughed and tried to duck away from the hair ruffle unsuccessfully. The offer of a patrol with her sister certainly caught her attention. "Deal! We haven't done one in forever, and I've been training a lot with Daddy so I've gotten better too."

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joy drake // redwing