
joy drake // redwing

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(no subject) @ 02:48 am


"Of course it's exclusive," Joy said, laughing. "You're my baby sister. You get all the best deals." She considered for a moment, before she said anything else. "You know, that membership extends to my apartment, whenever you want to stay over. Spare room's yours any time." She had a pretty nice place, all said. Gotham had low rates, and she had a sizable account from the Ellises and from the settlement from the accident. It made it easier to get out on her own.

She rolled her eyes as Janie teased her, unbothered because that was just how family was. "I move around so much I can't keep anyone straight," she said with a shrug. "I remember your name. And Sin's. And mom and dad. Besides, it could have been a different Mikal. I doubt he's the only one in the world." She smiled, reaching over to ruffle Janie's hair. "You're doing good, kiddo. In fact, what do you say we do a sweep later tonight? I could use a workout, and it's been a while since we went out together."

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joy drake // redwing