
joy drake // redwing

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(no subject) @ 02:39 am

[info]thegirlwonder commented on [info]redbird's post:

"That's pretty exclusive," she smiled back. Sure Sin got Joy's baking but Janie got to have Steph's more often so it more than evened out. Even if she would admit that Joy's stuff was nearly as good, and a lot better than any store-bought things by far.

Janie had to laugh and tease her older sister for that. "You haven't gotten better with names! Mikal's my cousin remember? The arrow one that's in Sin's family too? You know him! He's all trouble though and I have to keep reigning him in from things all the time, it's a Harper thing he says." But still, it was nice to know that Joy thought she was doing well and was proud of her. "Thanks, I'm trying to finally do more of the crimefighting thing like you and Daddy. And the rest of the family too."

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joy drake // redwing