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[Jan. 15th, 2009|12:31 am]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Oomph! - Dein Weg]

Still not much better. Thanks for all the support though, I really do appreciate it. I think I'm just gonna take the day to myself tomorrow, read, write, watch movies. Maybe that'll help me feel a little better. Kyle's been over for the past 2 days. I tried going to find a Gundam model to build, since he got his in the mail, but it turns out it took two people to build one fucking model anyway. It was such a pain the ass.

I have to see my grandparents tomorrow, too. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, as I usually wind up getting nagged. I suppose I deserve it most of the time anyway, as I tend to fuck up alot with school and money and all that shit. This weekend is gonna be awful. Single digit temperatures, and I have to work. Fucking hell.

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