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[Apr. 21st, 2009|08:00 pm]
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Every time I try to write about Ireland, I lose interest in doing it. Does anyone still care? I can update shorthanded for anyone who does.

[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-04-22 01:13 am (UTC)


haha, do what you want. i'm not going to force you.
[User Picture]From: [info]realhorrorshow
2009-04-22 02:34 am (UTC)


Hahaha. Fantastic input.
[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-04-22 03:16 am (UTC)


well it's the honest truth!
[User Picture]From: [info]realhorrorshow
2009-04-22 03:37 am (UTC)


And it's appreciated lol. I'd rather blunt truth than someone saying something they think i wanna hear haha.
[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-04-22 03:43 am (UTC)


haha goooood then.
i appreciate that you appreciate my comment.
now it's time for bed because i'm running off of 2 hours of sleep on 12+ hours of working.
From: [info]archangel
2009-04-22 06:05 am (UTC)



[User Picture]From: [info]headspin
2009-04-22 04:57 pm (UTC)


I think you've told me most of your trip on MSN :)