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[Feb. 28th, 2009|11:29 pm]
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[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Tool - The Patient]

I just realized I haven't had a real update in a while. It's like every time I come here with the intent of writing something meaningful and important, I totally lose the urge.

I've been slipping back into that horrible, depressed phase yet again. Only one thing in my life makes me happy at the moment, and I still have to wait another 2 weeks to get it (my trip to Ireland).

I feel like no cares about me, and that no one wants me around or wants to talk to me. It feels like people just tolerate me because they have to, even some of my closest friends. I always get the impression that people who I actually enjoy talking to (which is very few) don't want to talk to me. I don't know why. I just can't help but get that impression. 

I feel like shit. The next few days are gonna be dominated by band practice, which I'm looking forward to. Mike, Phil, Glen, and I are playing the talent show at school on Wednesday, so we need to get everything down perfect before then. We're playing "Tip The Scales" by Rise Against and "Food For The Gods" by In Flames, so I'm gonna be hearing alot of those two songs over the next few days.

Tomorrow, I'm going home for the day for family stuff. My sister's 17th birthday is Monday, so my mom's getting the whole family together for cake and stuff tomorrow. Not exactly looking forward to it, but it's better than working.

I booked my trip for Ireland, like I mentioned. I went to the post office Friday and got my passport shit sorted out. I should have it soon. I booked a flight for Sunday, March 15th, at night, which means I'll be getting into Ireland the morning of the 16th, and I'll be there until Saturday the 21st. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I haven't seen Andrew and Conor in months, so spending some time with them is gonna be awesome. They're two of my best friends, and I seriously miss having them around with all the shit that's been going on with my roommates and this house and everyone in it. It used to be, last semester, that whenever I got fed up with my roommates, I'd go over to Andrew and Conor's place, and we'd hang out for the rest of the day, watching movies, getting drunk, and the like. It's definitely lot more boring around here without them around.

I plan on gettind drunk while in Ireland and taking alot of pictures. Probably to help me remember the things I'm gonna be blacked out for. Yeah. I plan on drinking alot when I'm over there. I mean, it's Ireland during the week of St. Patty's Day. I'd be nuts not to drink.

And my sister's giving me her iPod! That made me really happy. I asked her if I could borrow it for my trip, and she said she wasn't using it, so I could have it for as long as I wanted.

Thursday night produced one of the best text message conversations I have ever been a part of.

So here's the backstory. My guild in World of Warcraft, Nomad, is full of hilarious people, especially the co-guild leader, Mitch. Kyle got his phone number, because it's easier for him to keep in touch with people that way. So I told Mitch I was taking his number, and he said fine. But I never called or texted, so he didn't have mine. Thanks to Kyle, my reputation to Mitch is an "A-rab", as he so lovingly calls me. Kyle always jokes I'm a terrorist, which led Mitch to make a few fucked up jokes, that, although hilarious, I won't mention here, just in case. Since then, he's been cracking some jokes, and I don't mind at all. I think it's funny. If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?

So I log into Vent (the voice chat server we use for the game), and I say something, and Mitch, in a room of like, 15 people, goes "Ohhhh shit, it's an a-rab". I laughed, we started talking. I decided to text him. I went like this

Me: "Oh shi- it's an Arab!
Mitch: ^\_(^.^)_/^ 
Me: (_)~*
Mitch: callin fbi brb
Me: Oh noes
Dunno why, but that seriously makes me crack up. Probbaly because I can imagine him saying that in his heavy southern accent, and it sounds hilarious.

[User Picture]From: [info]freebird
2009-03-01 06:28 pm (UTC)


haha i have a southern accent :[
ah i wish i had an ipod.

sometimes i feel like that too while at school. i'm kinda shy. i'm more like a "cute" looking girl so people just think they can stomp all over me sometimes. & just not let me talk. so i feel like i never get heard. plus i talk really slow haha so most people these days are too impatient to wait for me to finish what i'm saying.
[User Picture]From: [info]headspin
2009-03-02 09:37 pm (UTC)


sorry you're feeling down again. :[
i feel that way around certain people too. but then i guess i just shrug it off because i hate wasting my time on people who don't want to bother with me.

i'm still super jealous of your trip! it'll help you get out of your bad mood too. :)