A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - February 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 1st, 2009

[Feb. 1st, 2009|01:43 am]
[Tags|, ]
[Mood | excited]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Marilyn Manson - Heart-Shaped Glasses (When The Heart Guides The Hand)]

So.... Metallica.... in T minus 18 hours. FUCK. YES.

Laura decided it was better if she didn't go. While I wanted her to go, in a way, because I wanted to at least maintain friendship, it's also better that she doesn't to avoid anything bad from happening. So I'm buying her ticket from her, and going with Fitzy. Mike, Danielle, Glen, and his sister are going, too. So it should be a wonderful time. I'm so excited. My first time seeing Metallica. Same for The Sword, but I've never really listened to them. This is also my second time seeing MACHINE FUCKIN' HEAD, who are absolutely AMAZING. I'm a little drunk, still. We just got done with an amazing session of Rock Band. We downloaded all these metal songs to go nuts to. I practiced "This Calling" by All That Remains, and "Blinded By Fear" by At The Gates on expert. 81% for ATR, and 73% for ATG. Pretty damn good, considering those are two of the hardest songs in the game. Drunk Rock Band is amazing.

I'm done rambling. Gonna go get some sleep. Need my energy for tomorrow.
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