A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - January 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 23rd, 2009

[Jan. 23rd, 2009|11:37 am]
So, despite the class being (for the most part) full of dumbasses and bimbos, Film is gonna be FUN. Made a new friend, too. Yay me. Maybe I'm finally getting over my nerves/agoraphobia. Hopefully.

Full Movies )Full Movies )
So yeah, there's 15 weeks of class. I'm really excited. Both to analyze the films I love on that list, and see the ones I haven't.

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[Jan. 23rd, 2009|09:47 pm]
Has anyone else been getting like, spam comments, or is it just me?

Oh, I think from now on, I'm keeping this friends only. Partly for that reason, and partly because I feel like it.
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