A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - January 7th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 7th, 2009

[Jan. 7th, 2009|02:02 am]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Beck - E-Pro]

So once again, no fuckin' tattoo. However, tomorrow or Thursday, it'll definitely happen, depending on if they can get the design drawn up quick enough when I bring it in tomorrow. I'm thinking they can do it tomorrow, since I'm going 4 hours before the place closes, so I'll have time. The weather got really bad for like, an hour today, then stopped. It was supposed to rain and snow and all this shit, and it wound up raining really bad for like, less than an hour.

I'm happy I'm making some friends on here =)
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[Jan. 7th, 2009|11:03 pm]
[Mood | happy]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Beck - E-Pro]

So here it is....


It's on the inside of my right leg, right above my ankle.

I forgot how amazing it feels to have tattoo work done. The place I was originally going to go to, where I had a fucking APPOINTMENT... decided they were gonna close. So I got there, no one was there. I waited for about an hour, and no one showed up. So I said fuck it, and drove to White Plains to Big Joe and Sons Tattooing. I got there around 4:45, and the guy who was gonna do it for me had a 5 o'clock appointment, so I went out and got some food and hung out in Barnes and Noble, and went back around 6, like he told me, since he'd said he would be done by 6:30. He wound up finishing at 7:45, and he finally got me in to work on it. We talked about Japanese horror movies and music and shit. He was really cool. I think I'm gonna go to him for the rest of my tattoos, since I totally lost faith in the place I was going to to begin with.

The moment I sat in the chair, I was getting goosebumps. From the first time a needle hit my skin for my first tattoo, I was hooked. It's the most amazing rush in the world, and I can't get enough of it. Sure, it hurt like hell. Especially because part of it was on my shin bone. Yeah. That KILLED. But the feeling is indescribable. I can't wait for my next one.

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