A Bit of the Old Ultraviolence - Post a comment [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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[Feb. 10th, 2009|01:27 am]
[Mood | depressed]
[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Hollywood Undead - No. 5]

I feel so dead. Emotionally, mentally, and spiritually moreso than physically. I'm sliding back into that phase I get into randomly, where I just stop caring about everything and everyone. There are a few people in my life who I actually enjoy talking to, but I don't get to talk to them enough, so I just sit here and wallow in self pity. I hate it, but I live with morons, so I can't stand being around them for more than a few minutes at a time. I have such a low tolerance for people who do stupid things just to do it.

Anyone wanna talk?

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