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[Feb. 7th, 2009|01:21 am]
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[A Bit of the Old Ludwig Van |Lamb of God - Now You've Got Something to Die For]

So I think I had some kind of like, 24 hour virus type thing, because when I got out of bed this afternoon, I felt pretty good. I stayed at my parent's place last night, and opted not to go to class today, as a precaution, but by the time I left, I felt pretty good. I worked tonight, and got home and just relaxed, watched Goldfinger on TV. God, I miss Connery as Bond. I love Daniel Craig, and view him as second to only Connery, but damn. Connery was such a suave motherfucker. I'm sure he could still do it at his age now -_-.

I put together 32 of my favorite (currently) songs. I think I'm gonna post them in 2 parts online, so people can get a taste of what I'm into, and all that. It should be interesting.

I have work at 11 tomorrow, till 9. Then I'm off Sunday, due to a scheduling mix up, which is fine by me. I think Kyle's coming over, and we're gonna hang out, then Sunday probably go see Taken, because Liam Neeson's such a fucking badass. And probably get some drumming in, as well. I've been meaning to really test out the headphones I got for Christmas, so I'm gonna take them up with my iPod, and play along to most of the songs on that playlist I made, and see how well I'm doing. Haven't really played in a couple of months, due to countless parties in the attic, where the music equipment is. People think my drums are fucking toys when they're drunk, and they start pounding on them, which leads to me getting pissed, so I wound up just taking them apart and storing them in the corner with all the guitars and amps and such so no one fucks with them. As beat up and abused at those drums are, they're my pride and joy. I wish I had the money to properly take care of them. I need new drumheads, cymbals, drumsticks, cymbal stands... everything. Damn. Oh well. After Ireland I'm gonna start saving up to fix some stuff.

I'm off to bed soon. Probably gonna read a bit before I go to sleep.

[User Picture]From: [info]headspin
2009-02-07 09:48 pm (UTC)


We need new drum stuff too.
Everything is too expensive. :[
[User Picture]From: [info]atelier
2009-02-07 10:07 pm (UTC)


little known fact; everyone loves playlists. i await your post!