. - September 29th, 2008

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September 29th, 2008

01:58 am
Hell of a thing to come back and see around here.

So after a few days of thought I've come to the conclusion that I don't really think I belong here anymore and I probably never did. Time away from all my friends around here has shown me that I can't stand the actions of most of you. You're bitter, petty and at the drop of the hat you'll turn on any one who makes a mistake or makes the wrong comment at the wrong time. God help the person who has a bad day at the same time as someone else.

I'd like to say I'll be gone forever, but I know myself better than that. I might come back in a few months to see how everyone is doing or I might be gone until none of you remember me. Either way, it won't be any time soon.

Take care of yourselves. All of you.

- Not quite Kobura anymore

PS: I won't be removing any journals from my Flist, at least at the moment. Though I don't see why any of you would keep an abandoned journal added. I may delete the journal entirely at a later point, just so you know.
Current Mood: [mood icon] determined

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