Weekend summary, busted on Gaia Online
This weekend was quite fun actually. Everything I planned to do, of course, didn't happen. But that's the fun of weekends.
morgan, with her farm of servers, set up a dedicated Counter-Strike server so we can level up from noob to sorta-noob. While she did all the hard work, I was there for moral support, haha. Although he probably won't admit it, I spoke with
jimmy and we're bffs now. Shh, don't tell Morgan.
I always saw the spam ads for Gaia Online, but never thought I'd try it.
morgan messaged me about it on Sunday and we went ahead and registered up, 400 gold yes! I'll try anything once, so why not? What a piece of crap. Nevertheless, we had our... "fun" with it and logged off. She has the incriminating evidence in her Scribbld post, if you're interested.
I woke up late this morning and got to work around 10:20am, oops. Although I know my manager doesn't particularly like me strolling in at these late morning hours, he has no choice but to keep his pie hole shut. They can't fire me -- I'm the only real developer here.
Just finished updating my time card, and wrapped up a project at work. I'm re-downloading WoW, en-US this time, to jump on Morgan's custom legit (cough) server. I'm interested to see what all the hype is about. Thankfully, I'm not Mr. Jerko anymore, otherwise this would be awkward.
Running to Harris Teeter to grab a sandwich.
I always saw the spam ads for Gaia Online, but never thought I'd try it.
I woke up late this morning and got to work around 10:20am, oops. Although I know my manager doesn't particularly like me strolling in at these late morning hours, he has no choice but to keep his pie hole shut. They can't fire me -- I'm the only real developer here.
Just finished updating my time card, and wrapped up a project at work. I'm re-downloading WoW, en-US this time, to jump on Morgan's custom legit (cough) server. I'm interested to see what all the hype is about. Thankfully, I'm not Mr. Jerko anymore, otherwise this would be awkward.
Running to Harris Teeter to grab a sandwich.