Within Rafael

Happy hour, DRM status, non-existent weekend plans, etc.

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Male seeking caring young female: Is young, house broken, and has all vaccinations (plus experimental military ones). Can be shock collar trained. Must be picked up.

Happy hour, DRM status, non-existent weekend plans, etc.

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Sometimes I'd rather be behind a monitor, figuring out the internal mechanisms of Microsoft Windows but... today, I enjoyed a happy hour with some co-workers. Had a few drinks, hit some pool, and watched some jailbait Olympic action too. Happy hours are good temporary distractions for how boring and uneventful your life may be, trust me on that one.

I dicked around with Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows Media Center in VMware, but it started complaining about missing files, components, etc. I think it's really just bitching because VMware can't emulate or provide pass-through for complex graphic operations (like displaying video). I'll disassemble it later and figure it out but in the mean time I'm going to try some alternate approaches tomorrow while [info]morgan and [info]jimmy fix up (read: explode) their Scribbld network! Maybe I'll just copy the raw WMV files and let Media Player handling licensing? We'll see.

Other than the above, I don't have plans on the weekend -- don't usually do anyway. I'll hang out indoors, catch up on sleep, work on the above, and probably play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. until I get dizzy, due to the headbob effects, to keep occupied. There's nothing around here I'd venture outdoors for and I'm not the go-to-the-bar-and-try-to-pick-up-a-girl type.

Oh, and Tom @ Neowin shot me a note stating Windows Media Center "Fiji" leaked onto the Internet. Raise your hand if you give a shit! I didn't think so. Screw Windows Media Center, I'm waiting for my Popcorn Hour device to arrive so I can connect it to my HP MediaSmart NAS! >> http://www.popcornhour.com/ <<

Bed now.

Note to self: Need a picture of myself for magazine interview asap, grrr.
  • I am not so sure about the "internal mechanisms" of Windows. It's probably just one big virus :) It's definitely much better to get out and be social. I even did that myself this Friday, was well worth it haha.

    Fortunately we didn't explode the servers too bad, definitely hit some snags, but we planned for it. I forgot the hardware on our Quad Core server is too new for this distribution of Linux so we had to find this custom made install and then I had to figure out how to put it on a flash key and to make it bootable, how fun lol.

    So how is S.T.A.L.K.E.R? I tried to play it but I just so bored, maybe I should give it another go, it did look good graphics-wise.

    I definitely raise my hand to not giving a shit haha No, I used both Windows XP MC and Vista MC, and I actually didn't mind them, they didn't make me convert all my movies to MP4/h.264 which was really nice, I think I just got sick of having to re-install Vista when my key expired or some shit haha I even bought this nice media center remote to go with it.

    So that Popcorn thingy, is that just like a media extender??
    • Haha, hardware too "new" for Linux. That speaks volumes...

      S.T.A.L.K.E.R is great once you get into it but can crash from time to time and has this nauseating head-bob effect that makes me stop playing after a few hours to rest.

      Popcorn Hour is a small linux-in-a-box device that plays everything and has a Media Center-like interface (but for geeks). Think AppleTV but way better.

      • Of course it does...especially when you've downloaded a release too old haha

        Popcorn thingy sounds cool. Although I am sure my Xbox with XBMC on it can do the same thing.
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