Within Rafael

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Male seeking caring young female: Is young, house broken, and has all vaccinations (plus experimental military ones). Can be shock collar trained. Must be picked up.

WoW, really? 4am?

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Friday was an easy day at work, we went off-site to a customer meeting and got yelled at. Serves our management right, to be honest. After that, everyone was pretty much unmotivated and left for home. Hopefully management gets off their arse and does something about the 26+ pages of discrepancies they reported throughout the year. If my manager quits, I want to take his job and straighten this crap out...

Anyway, being so busy, [info]morgan and I didn't really have time until Friday to actually relax and hang out. It was painful to wait. We agreed to a 'date' at 930pm and we were both very prompt. We fired up WoW and went around kicking everyone's arse who needed it, leveling up both of our characters to 10. Before we knew it, it was 4am. Whoops, time flies when you're having fun. Especially when you're playing with someone special. <3

I'm going down the engineer route w/ mining abilities and so far I can't build anything spectacular. [info]morgan has already made me some kick ass potions and all I can give her in return is dynomite. Typical guy, eh? :P

Oh, if you're curious about that Murloc with some kind of annonying electrical ability? Yeah, he's was pwn'd.
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