1. Even after time had worn away hurt pride and a generational grudge, romance had never been something either of them had expected. A chord had been struck when Svalin realized that all she felt in trying to live up to her lineage, Vincent struggled to live down his own.
"I would dine with thee.. if thou wish it."
2. The fact that he was good with kids worked out in Vincent's favor. Solver was having one of his moods where he refused to be separated from MomOne, despite Vernique's attempts at settling him. Vincent simply said Svalin was welcome to bring him with them, and cashed in a favor to move their dining reservation to a private room, in case of Asgardian Pre-Adolescent Syndrome rearing its head. Tableside manner practiced with Scotty and Miranda kept the child placated, as the two adults found it easier than expected to keep a conversation flowing.
3. "I never hated you. Envied, certainly, and was annoyed by you, but no more than that."
"Lying is distasteful. I found thee repulsive."
Vincent laughed. "You were not alone. How obvious you were about it was almost refreshing, looking back."
4. It was almost startling for Svalin when she realized she had gone nearly the entire evening without thinking of the fact that she was spending time, of her own choosing, with Amora's son. It was just... Vincent.
5. "Vincent..." She held a by now half-asleep Solver as she looked for words.
"When we dine next... I will make certain we have only each other's company."
Vincent managed to keep himself to a polite smile, rather than an enthused grin. "As you wish, Lady Svalin."
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