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Vincent Amorason

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Flashback - Age 9 [31 Jul 2011|11:17am]
Kristoff was an excellent teacher, that much was obvious, but Vincent was still slightly nervous about their first practical lesson together. It was a simple enough energy transmission array, that would recharge batteries for small devices from across a room. Vincent found the designs to be wonderfully composed, and greatly enjoyed fabricating the components. Now came the actual assembly, and ultimately, the activation.

Vincent would ask where a tool he needed was, and Kristoff would either tell him where in the lab to find it, or in one or two cases, add on "--if you feel that is the best one for the task." In those cases, Vincent re-examined his work, and requested a different tool, as if the first request never happened. Two hours went by, and eventually the array was complete. Now was when the child's nerves began to tighten, as Kristoff gave him permission to turn it on.

He reached for the switch, placing his fingers on it as he watched the receiver at the other end of the lab, then flipped it.

Nothing happened.

He flipped it back and forth again, with the same lack of result, seeming worried.

Vincent couldn't help it. He instinctively flinched, his eyes going to Kristoff's hands.

Failure had never been acceptable in his previous lessons.
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