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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [31 Jan 2013|02:36am]
Question- Nick Szasz

Inquisitive Mind- Triggers a new investigation each turn.
Investigation: Curiosity- Attacks ignore most avoidance effects.
Investigation: Hypothesis- Attacks always crit.
Investigation: Theory- Attack ignore defense.


L1- Dragon Style Combo- Single target unarmed melee attack. Causes Combo Setup

L2- Face Kick- Single target unarmed melee attack. Deadly Crit. Exploits Combo Setup.

L6- Meditation- Restores stamina to self. Increase evasion and accuracy. Quick action. Two turn cooldown.

L9- Nerve Strike- Single target unarmed melee attack. Pressure point. 50% chance to stun. Two turn cooldown.
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