Nick Szasz's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Nick Szasz

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Sample Post [24 Aug 2012|09:33am]
It was late night at the Ross Tech offices all was fairly quiet as the security guards made their rounds of the building. As a subsidiary of Lex Corp there were a lot of data and information that the company did not want people getting their hands on. While they had had a couple of people try to break in in the past, some Eco-nut-jobs and other business, they had never gotten far enough to actually get anything. As a guard made his sweep of the upper offices he noticed the light of a computer on in one of the department heads offices that had not been on before and went to check it out.

Inside the office he saw Nick sitting at the computer with his back to him. Moving to the his walkie Nick spoke as he turned his chair to face him. "You know if you guys are going to go through effort of trying to hid all of this you should at least use a decent password. Mix up the numbers and letters. Maybe through in a few capitals and characters. But come on anything is better than favorite dog's name and mistress's birthday." The guard let out a scream as Nick finished turning around and saw that he had no face. "And here I thought you guys might be a little tougher than that," Nick says with a sigh turning around fast again, "All well." He then turns to face the guy again quickly only this time whipping the keyboard at his head like a Frisbee. When it connects the guy goes down like a sack of bricks.

"Shame and that was a nice keyboard too. Ergonomics and everything too," Nick says getting up and grabbing the flash-drive he had just installed all the data he would be looking over for the next week or so on. Probably less in their encryptions were as bad as their passwords.

He follows the same path he had taken into the office too get out, it was where he had found security to be the lightest. Once he got to his exit he noticed a security guard checking out the place where he had broken into. "Crap," Nick says softly to himself. Just wanting to get out now before anything else exciting happens he walks up behind the guard. "Hey man," He says, "I'll just got to ask you man to man. Do I have too much cover-up on." When the guard turns around and sees his face or lack their of he starts to scream only to be slugged in the face with a right cross by Nick knocking him out. "You see I've got into a bad fight the other day and I really don't want my girlfriend to see my face all messed up," Nick says throughout that entire exchange.

"No opinion," Nick says looking at the knocked out, "Too bad." Nick then climbs out the window and vanishes into the night like he had never been there.
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Test Scene [24 Aug 2012|09:20pm]
Nick was in Gotham investigating some connection with Gotham Mafia's running guns which got to some of the many many gangs in Hub City. It was a problem when the crooks could out gun the cops, even the corrupt ones. So Nick intended to stop the problem at it's source once he found it.

It was always surprising to see just how nice and together Gotham seemed to have it, especially given what the news liked to say about it. But then again he had grown up in Hub so it views might be a little skewed. After checking in with a few of his contacts in the city he got himself costumed up to do some investigating of his own.

Tracking down some leads lead him a warehouse on the water where a deal was going down that night. Sure it wasn't perfect but it was a lead that would bring him one step closer to his goals.
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