Player Information
Instant Messengers: anything you want it to be~
Experience: experience that'll knock your socks off, bb.
Character Information - Personal
Name: Maeve Wilkes
Age/Birthdate: March 1, 1959 (omg almost 18!!!)
Blood: Pureblood, not that it at all matters.
PB: Ruby Aldridge
Basic Personality: Maeve is a bundle of contradictions and she embraces that about herself. While she can really take the lead, she also faulters when pushed around. She's loud, but enjoys the quiet. She's extremely wise, but kind of gullible. All you really need to know about Maeve is that she has dreams and no one will stop her. Not her family, not her friends, and not her housemates. No one will ever stop her from becoming what she wants to be: Queen of the World.
Maybe that's exaggerating a little bit. Maeve really wants to be Minister of Magic. Ministress? Whichever, she wants to lead the people down a better path. It's a dream many young wizards and witches have considered, but usually they grow out of it. Maeve never did. Her romantic soul and glamorous personality wants her to get what others could never achieve: complete power.
She's not the typical Power-Hungry Slytherin, though. Maeve sort of stands out in Slytherin simply because she's not the stereotypical, nasty student that so many have come to expect from the house. She is extremely fair and enjoys listening to all sides of a situation before coming to conclusions, and often will play Devil's Advocate (even against her own beliefs) just to figure things out better. Maeve believes in equality and justice, and wants to bring these to the Ministry.
Divination is her huge strength, surprisingly enough. Professor says that she has a great gift for the inner-eye. Maybe that's why she makes such smart political decisions?
History: Rumour has it that the Wilkes are descendants of Queen Maeve, the witch who taught sorcerers before the creation of Hogwarts. Mrs. Wilkes has embraced this rumor (which really doesn't have any substatial proof besides the fact that they're pureblood and from Ireland) and named her only daughter after the Queen. This sort of makes Maeve royalty, even though she's not at all, but she likes to play pretend as much as the next witch.
Maeve grew up in a nice area of Ireland. Her family was a bit strict, and because of their supposed ansestor, Maeve's mother took education very seriously. Her dad really didn't give a rat's arse; he wanted his children to just be happy, but her mother encouraged reading and writing when not cooking and cleaning. Maeve found ways to be a goofy child without them ever knowing (except for the few times she came home covered in mud). Most of the time she was playing with her twin brother, Cillian.
As Maeve and Cillian grew, they grew apart. Maeve was sorted in Slytherin (a surprise to her family, but not a disappointment), and Cillian was not. Blood tensions grew in the Wizarding World and while Maeve chose to shrug her shoulders and accept Muggleborns, Cillian...well, Cillian felt differently. Watching Cillian lead a life without her has been difficult for Maeve, but she hopes that he's happy, and looks forward to the days when they can be close again.
Hobbies: being awesome, reading the Prophet like a freak, Gobstones Club, Chaser for Quidditch.
Patronus: She tells people it's a sloth for the laughs, but actually it's an Augurey (Irish Phoenix)
Boggart: The
Nundu. That thing is so scary.
Pet: She got a cat for her 17th birthday.
His name is Logan.
Character Information - School
Desired occupation: Minister!
House: Slytherin
Classes: Divination, Defense, Transfig, Astrology, History of Magic
What if?
Has anything changed about your character?: She's completely original, SO~~
How do you feel that would affect his/her relationships?: OH EVERYTHING, BB~~
Any future events that you would like to see and/or change from canon?: KILL THE SPARE. D:
Additional Information: Maeve will never be the "bad guy Slytherin" and will always, always struggle with the pressures from others in her house. It greatly strengthens Maeve... although she still cries at night, missing her twin so so so much.
Example Journal Entry: Mum wrote and sent cookies, but I'm not supposed to tell, because she didn't send Cillian any because obviously, I am the favorite. Personally, I think it was to lighten the blow of hearing that our neighbor, Mister Tompkins, has gone missing. He's a Squib, so mum and dad are pretty worried about him and what could've happened. I don't think they should get so worried. Then again, Mister Tompkins never leaves his house. He's a sweet old man who's too old to do much; I doubt he's on holiday. I'll be watching the Prophet carefully to see if they have anything to say, but they'll probably hide the news. They always do.
Example Roleplay Entry: "I disagree."
"Of course you would," the sixth year sneered. "But you're wrong. I'm asking why you feel Mudbloods are worth our time. I'm asking why you think it's okay to mate with Muggles. I'm asking why."
Maeve considered this awfully vague question. Why did she feel the way she did? How could anyone explain it to someone who was so clearly against hearing the other side of things.
"Because," Maeve started slowly, choosing her words carefully. "Because I don't believe that inbreeding the way your line has done the past few generations has produced the best results." She ended this with a grin.
The Slytherin Pureblood glared before pushing past her. Maeve sighed and felt slightly bad for the rude insult, but figured she deserved to say what was on her mind as much as the next person, and with a shrug, she went back to reading the Prophet.