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Sylvia Alejandra McCoy

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AU Pregnancy Meme [13 May 2013|09:41pm]
"So, Mom's monitoring everything constantly, and we're just going to wait as long as possible, and then have the Caesarean when it's just getting too risky for her," Sylvie explained as she fidgeted with the edge of her pink maxidress.
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Meme [28 Mar 2013|11:08am]
Sylvie was in the Shi'ar costume modifier attached to the Danger Room. When you need all your clothes custom-tailored, sometimes it was best to do the initial shopping the easy way.

Everything was pink. Obviously.
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Meme Date [16 Jul 2012|03:44am]
Two tickets to Before Night Falls at an indie cinema and a blind date. Sylvie had no idea what Vernique was up tot. But hey, two tickets to Before Night Falls and a boy picked out by Vernique Denning. Who was she to say no?
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Meme: Fortune Cookie [25 Jan 2012|06:09pm]
Misha'd taken her out for Chinese. Sylvie had insisted on sharing as many dishes as mutantly possible.

And now, for the cookie. "'You will soon be present for an unexpected reunion,'" she reads. "Awkward phrasing there."
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[22 Jan 2012|11:23pm]
Mom made Sylvie promise to call her for more sedative if it became necessary. She waited beside Fred's bed with cold thermoses of juice and water.
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Flashback: 11 years ago. [24 Oct 2010|03:11am]
The acoustics in the kitchen left something to be desired, Sylvie would admit. The clattering pots and pans didn't exactly echo to the best effect.  She'd figure out something better later.  For now, at least she had rhythmed accompaniment for her recitations of Shel Silverstein -- and attempts to translate his work into Spanish off-the-cuff.
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Test thread: Coming home. [22 Dec 2009|02:43am]
The airline staff were helpful and the other passengers had cleared efficiently. That was always nice. Once they'd gotten her into her own chair again, she could finally get moving.

And move she did.  It felt good, but getting home where she could actually get around for real was going to feel better.

She looked around for Dad or anyone of the Xavier's gang he might have sent to meet her if something'd come up..
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