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Subject:Bio: Violet
Time:05:29 pm

Name: Violet Evans
Residence/Hometown: Burlington, Vermont
Age/Birthday: 17, 3/16/1994
Gender/Sexuality: Female/Heterosexual
PB: Shauna Baker
Any notable differences from the pb? Vi and Scar are hard to tell apart at first glance with their dark, mischievous eyes and bright smiles but Vi is slightly shorter standing at 5'6. Her fashion sense is a little odd, she wears bright colors as often as she can and really her wardrobe is interchangeable with her sisters, they shared everything the own. She likes to think of their style as hobo chic.

School/Magic Stuff
Wand: 8½" Flexible cocobolo with billywig stinger core
House and Year: Champlain, junior
Schedule: Combative magic, ritual magic, art, advanced transfiguration I, magical crafting, advanced potions
Strongest subject in school: Charms
Weakest subject in school: Languages
Extracurricular activities: Events committee, cheerleading, plays piano in the band, and dance
Boggart and Riddikulus: Being alone, her riddikulus is Scar playing peekaboo
Amortentia smells like: Charcoal, the smell of the lake, fried dough
Patronus: A cat which stands for guardianship, detachment, sensuality, stealth, desire, liberty, pleasure, magic, lust, pride, and vanity.
Animagus Form: A black cat

Immediate Family Blue Evans (mother), Chris Ford (father), and Scarlet Evans (twin sister)
Familiar: The dark ferret is Vi's and the orange one is Scar's. Vi's familiar is called Mr. Darcy.
Any other relations we should know about: Duh. Boyfriend. They have a cousin named Ellie who lives in the South and visits as often as she can.


Likes: Getting into things, partying, chocolate, music, rap, hip hop, facebook, fashion, dressing up, make overs, gymnastics, yoga, swimming, going to the lake, boys, Pride and Prejudice, Luka, shuffle board, breaking the rules, cigarettes, glittering, getting what she wants, chaos, loud noises, sushi, dances, the mall, fried dough, mac and cheese, smoothies, summer, car dancing, gossip, movie night, popcorn, being named after a color, energy drinks, techno, smoking, listening in on people's conversations in public specifically on the bus, True Blood

Dislikes: Being bored, rain, cows, stinky things, awkward silence, being cold, winter, langauges, the color white, order, status quo, doing homework, studying, classical music, when they have to cheer for quidditch (it's just not as exciting), her dad, not having a boy toy, jello, turkey, coffee, watching the news, people who cling

*The twins share everything
*She's got an infamous grimace
*They have the same laugh as their mother
*They can not be trusted alone in the kitchen
*Vi tries to wear super high heels to be the same height as her sister
*Though she has never met her dad she holds a grudge against him and hates him because obviously mom wouldn't have left him if he wasn't a good person
*Her strong and weak subjects are the same as Scar's because Scar does her homework
*Surprisingly good with kids
*She constantly has an energy drink in her hands, not that she needs it

*She's got a laundry list of booty call phone numbers on her cell. They are all code names. For example: Jock, Blue hat, and Oranges.
*She smokes pot on a regular basis.
*She hates being the short twin.

Strengths: Confidence, curiosity, the girls always have each other's backs, full of energy, clever, flexible, fast, sharp tongue, not afraid of saying what's on her mind, frank, dance, swimming, talking people into things

Weaknesses: Easily distracted, bad boys, doesn't listen to directions, authority issues, weed, sushi

Detailed personality:
The twins are very much individuals but they are highly dependent on one another. They are both spunky and non stop, Vi is more proud and aggressive. She's adventurous, practically fearless, and she's got a bit of a mean streak. Both of the girls are intelligent but Vi is a touch lazy when it comes to putting effort into her school work. Violet is a little vain and somewhat sexual for a seventeen year old. In many of her relationships she has put distance and detachment in the forefront and just enjoyed the physicality of the other person. There are few people who can break that barrier that Vi has created. Her break ups have usually been a scene.

The twins are an absolute handful, they've got enough attitude for an entire army of girls their age and they are constantly into everything. Vi is determined, head strong, and fierce, she is behind most of the plotting of their shenanigans. Violet is very sneaky and stealthy, often coming up with plans behind people's backs without them ever knowing until it's too late. Vi is a bit meaner and frank, often times considered the "bitch" twin. She's good to her friends but she isn't above having a good time at someone else's expense.

They are fun to be around and constantly pulling pranks on other kids, there are a select few who are safe from their tricks. Scar and Vi are all about having a good time and causing a little bit of chaos, they hate order and they hate when things remain status quo. It has been their joy in life to shake things up.

Personal History:
Blue Evans and Chris Ford had a whirlwind romance the resulted in broken hearts and bastard children. When Blue got pregnant, Chris insisted they get married even though they had only known each other for a few months. Blue didn't want to but they made arrangements and Chris planned out the rest of their lives for them. Blue left Chris at the alter and took off Vermont, not wanting that sort of predictability in her life. She worked for his sister's shop for a few months to get through and got a part time job at a yoga studio teaching maternity yoga.

Blue Evans gave birth to two healthy baby girls a few months after her move to Vermont. The twins were the light of her life and an absolute joy but from a very early age it was clear that they were going to be trouble. Full of energy and curiosity they were constantly getting into things and getting into trouble, they are not at all malicious just always looking for something to do. Once they accidentally caught their mom's kitchen on fire and Vi almost accidentally stabbed Scar while they were cooking lunch.

Instead of going to their mom's alma mater, the girls decided to stay closer to home and attend a northern institute where they met their third musketeer and partner in crime, Luka Nikitin. Since their first meeting it has been nothing but fun, chaos, and disregard for the rules. Upon reaching the upper school Vi and Scar started partying. Vi fell heavier into the partying scene. She started smoking weed and drinking heavily. She dabbled into heavier drugs while at school and after a year of bad tripping and waking up in glitter puke she decided to stop living in Ke$ha music video and attempt to get herself together. At sixteen she stopped doing heavy drugs, though she continued using marijuana.

At fifteen, when the girls were bored they borrowed their mom's car so they could drive to the beach, unfortunately they weren't very good at multitasking and while signing and dancing along to the music Scar drove into a ditch. No one was hurt but the car was recked and their mom was pissed. They were of course grounded for the rest of the summer and their allowance has been put towards a new car. Of course the girls being grounded meant nothing to them, they were constantly sneaking out.

During the summers at home, Blue insists that the girls get jobs. While it was easy to get Scar to work, it took some convincing to get Vi out of the house. After flirting with some cute guys at the local YMCA while she was working out she snaked herself a job as a lifeguard and swim instructor. She wanted to get the elderly water aerobics class but instead she was stuck with the beginners guppies class. She found out pretty soon that she was actually really good with kids and loved worked with them. The kids got to see a softer side of Vi that no one else really got to see. She enjoyed working with them and after one summer she couldn't get enough. She goes back every summer and even visits during her school breaks. It's one of the only times that she will ignore boys.

Vi has been quite popular among the boys at school but is known as a true heart breaker. She has done a lot of dating and her break ups usually end up with her walking away casually while getting chased after by an irate or hysterical boy. She does not let herself get terribly attached to most people and her relationship with Luka often leads to short lived romances with other boys.

Blue gets constant calls home from school about the girl's behavior and rule breaking, they are often wearing clothes that are not appropriate for the classroom. As long as the girls are having fun, they are happy.

Other Stuff: Any plot ideas?
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