Burke looks at the flash drive for a moment, debating the wisdom of getting involved with someone like Nick Fury. Fury had the information he needed, but all it would take was one too many trips to the well before SHIELD thought they owned him.
"What Frank and I understand is that the law isn't worth anything when it protects the people who break it more than the people they hurt." Burke says, reaching out to pick up the flash drive.
"I'd like to say I can trust you, Fury. You come highly praised, but this is a new day and age. The rules you and all the costumes operate by are being tossed aside by the opposition. Frank was right about a couple of things, you know. None of you were ever willing to put people like Jigsaw, Kingpin and Bullseye out of commission for good, so they started banking on that.
Now, they're not afraid when you show up. They know that all you'll do is read them their rights, stick 'em in a cell for a few months and then let them out on good behavior. How does that make anyone safer than they were before?" Burke asks, holding up the flash drive.
"You know how this is going to end if I get involved. What do you want out of it?" he asks.
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