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User:pualani (16859)
Website:the space
Location:waikoloa land, Hawaii, United States
AOL IM:AIM status samtreated (Add Buddy, Send Message)
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Sing like you think no one's listening,
You would kill for this,
Just a little bit,
Just a little bit,
You would, you would...

Interests:40: ali'i drive, amazing people, animals, arts, car rides, clouds, culture, differences, driving, extremes, eyes, fred, gabe saporta, hair colors, happiness, life, love, movies, music, nail polish, new, nostalgia, peace, people, photobooths, photography, piercings, polaroids, rainy days, reading, reality television, singing, soda pop, tans, tattoos, the internet, the ocean, theater, waimea, writing
Schools:None listed
People17:amourfully, anotherday, belovings, enchanted_love, etudes, higinia, jellybones, jimmy, mannequins, maps, memorably, oopsies, prettyxpet, punkgoesblog, soul, throwingpunches, tiaras
Communities6:addme, bitchbook, donut, post_secret, sinful, thrashground
Mutual Friends:12: anotherday, belovings, enchanted_love, etudes, higinia, jellybones, mannequins, maps, memorably, oopsies, prettyxpet, punkgoesblog
Also Friend of:1: pirouette
Member of:6: addme, bitchbook, donut, post_secret, sinful, thrashground
Account type:Early Free User

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