Boring Weekend

I can't wait til Friday!! I'm heading back up to school for the spring semester. College is so much better than high school. Each year of college gets better than the last it seems. Last semester was by far one of the best I've had in a while. My academic performance improved now that I have classes which actually matter and will help me progress with my major. Things have gotten better on a social level too, even though it was a bit of a roller coaster. Ben is amazing and I'm so glad that I met him. Yeah for calling and chilling with my lil bro and his friends that night. I can't wait to see him when I get back. It will have only been 10 days but man that seems like forever. As much as I don't like some of his choices I know I'm not going to be able to change him, nor am I going to try. I can only be there for him through the good and bad.

So many things are different this year. I lost my best friend to stupidity & jail :/ I guess that was a blessing in disguise though. As unhappy as it makes me sometimes, I think it may have been for the best. We were on parting paths it seemed anyways. We needed complete separation from each other anyways. Looking back our relationship was unhealthy in a way. I regret somethings but not everything. There were so many good times with him.

I hung out with LJ yesterday. We went shopping. Haha, what else is there to do... It was good to see her. Got to hear all about the ongoing drama with the bf. I don't get why she puts up with it. How can you love someone who can be that mean and doesn't really care about her feelings. At least thats what it seems like. I got a new pair of jeans, a PSU sweatshirt, and a nice sweater, and a picture frame. Woot Woot for gift cards and sales.

Heres to a NEW YEAR and new great memories with Ben.

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