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Samantha Capper ([info]propriety) wrote,
@ 2008-01-16 17:47:00

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16 MAY: Filtered to Slytherins
Tabitha had an excellent point in her most recent post. How are we meant to occupy ourselves until Monday? Studying was an excellent suggestion but naturally studying isn't the be all and end all of hobbies. In fact, I don't think it could really be considered a hobby so forget I said that. My point is I think something fun is in order. I don't suppose we're required to dwell over unfortunate recent events 24/7, are we? Not that I have anything against those of you who have decided to take that path, as I certainly understand why. I'm getting ahead of myself again. What I mean is, I think a movie night is in order. Anticipating that there will undoubtedly be a kerfluffle regarding what movies to watch, I'm going to put up poll and then from the poll I'll come up with a schedule. How does Friday sound? Perhaps we'll make a day of it!

[Error: Invalid poll ID 6]

Please keep in mind that nothing outrageously inappropriate will be shown. This isn't adult movie night. It's just as much for us as it is the younger years.

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